View Full Version : Broken Pro-light glass... safety hazard?

Anthony Lovell
December 5th, 2009, 12:11 PM
In checking out my lighting kit (hardly yet used), I set up the lights and let them burn for 5 minutes or so. Without perturbation, the 250w Pro-light with barn doors went "pop" and though the light kept coming, upon powerdown I saw the dispersion glass had shattered but remained in place like car safety glass.

Will this break up and fall out? Is it a hazard to leave it in place for a shoot?

Is this a common fault? Danged glass has never been roughly handled, and suffered a career of 6 minutes of the most mild use. RRR.


Shaun Roemich
December 5th, 2009, 12:30 PM
VERY unusual. Contact Lowel and I suspect they will make good on a replacement quickly. I use 5 ProLights and other than the screws backing themselves out, I have had NO issues with them since I bought them 5 or more years ago.

Dan Brockett
December 6th, 2009, 10:42 AM
You possibly had oil on the glass from your fingers. You cannot get any fingerprints on the bulbs or safety glass or they do this.

I would replace that glass, it is there for reason. I doubt if it will cost more than ten or twenty bucks.
