View Full Version : Mean Creek music video - 5D MKII

Greg Joyce
January 19th, 2010, 08:42 AM

My second music video, shot on a 5D MKII, with 2-man crew made up of my brother and myself.

The song is from a Boston band called Mean Creek, off their new album, The Sky (Or the Underground). I hadn't heard of them myself until we started production, but I think they're extremely talented. And I really like this song. It's called "Strange Man."

Please take a look and a listen!

UPDATE: Sorry, had to pull it down, at least temporarily.

Greg Joyce
February 22nd, 2010, 09:48 PM

My second music video, shot on a 5D MKII, with 2-man crew made up of my brother and myself.

The song is from a Boston band called Mean Creek, off their new album, The Sky (Or the Underground). I hadn't heard of them myself until we started production, but I think they're extremely talented. And I really like this song. It's called "Strange Man."

Please take a look and a listen!

UPDATE: Sorry, had to pull it down, at least temporarily.

Update 2: Video is back up. Comments, constructive criticism are welcomed!

Mean Creek music video: Strange Man on Vimeo

Robert L. Mickles
March 10th, 2010, 05:33 PM
I would recommend to do some color grading. Some of the outdoor shots (Mainly the guys waking outdoors) could use some grading and also could have been shot with a more shallow DOF it would have made the background look nicer. Grading might give you a bit more consistency in the looks. And why were the shots of the girl in the band the only ones that had like a frost filter on them? But overall not bad. Good job.