View Full Version : homemade autostereoscopic 3d monitor:media production problems

Adrian Reef
February 25th, 2010, 09:45 AM
Hi :)
I'm a newbie in this forum,but I'm a professional graphician;
I got some problems I hope someone will be able to help me with...lemme tell you my story about it ;)

I made an autostereoscopic display by using a 10 LPI lenticular sheet on a 0.255 mm pixel pitch 17" monitor; It runs lenticules vertically ( withouth any diagonal alignment ,as used by other famous brands ) and it gives me 9 point of views.
I was able to reduce the infamous "banding" , and I have a crisp image and a very nice 3d effect on it , but I got problems with media production.

I'm currently able to make 3d images by using multiview shots , depthmap from stereopairs , and by using photoshop 3d layer compositing features , but problem is..they're just still images.

I know of the existence of MPEG-C part 3 codec ( wich is a MVC , so a Multi View Codec for 3D production) and I know it is going to be the real 3d standard in the future ( cause it's autostereoscopic and more prone to be the nearest thing to reality due to the multiviews and the lack of glasses ) , but problems is how do I use such thing ?
did someone used any 2d+depth codec yet?

I would like to be able to extract a depth map from a 2d video,and to make a 3d video out of it, is there anything I can use ?

I can make a depthmap from a still image and to make a 3d picture out of it , problem is I don't want to do it by hand for hundreds of tooks days to make one minute of 3d video....
any help ?

Thanx in advance for any possible answer :)
Best Regards - Adrian

PS: feel free to ask me whatever you want :)

Giroud Francois
February 25th, 2010, 01:23 PM
a common trick used for movies in photoshop, is to export the movie as a suite of numbered pictures, then batch the work into photoshop.
i think latest version of photoshop allow that.
for previous version there was a plugin Debabelizer Pro.
when all pictures are converted, you can recreate the video from the suite of picture.

Prech Marton
February 27th, 2010, 05:46 AM
Hi Adrian!

Where do you get those 10LPI sheets? Is it enough?
Or do you see it from 5 meter distance?
I think monitors has 80-100LPI resolution.
60LPI sheets will not work better?
