View Full Version : Do you guys hold off purchases until after NAB?

Fitz Townsend
March 16th, 2010, 09:39 AM
The title says it all: Do you guys hold off purchases until after NAB? Specifically for cams?

Certain things don't change, and if you need something for production, well, you gotta get it, obviously.

But I'm just starting out, and my budget is right smack in the prosumer range, which is the most subject to fluctuation. I guess the equipment I'm looking at is only going to move by a few hundred, at the most, so it's not worth fretting over, but I was wonder what you guys normally do, in the general sense...

Garrett Low
March 16th, 2010, 10:06 AM
Hi Fitz,

I can only speak for myself but for business related gear I tend not to purchases the latest that comes out right after NAB. My thought is that if I'm going to use it to make money, I want to know all of the bugs and quirks that get discovered in the first 6 months of mass usage. If it's something that the client really want's (say like a RED) I'll rent it. Also, the initial release of any produce gets charged a premium for being the first kid on the block to own it. That's great for experimental gear and things I want to play with but makes no sense it put into your business model.

I do look at what's coming out to see if it makes sense to rent for a few shoots or then see how thing pan out. But in general I don't let what's being promised at NAB drive equipment purchase timing. For me, as you've noted, that's usually driven by project needs. I also want to give myself at least 1 month with new gear, learning about it and practicing with it, before taking it out on a shoot. There's leaves a bad impression on a client like them seeing you scratch your head trying to figure out how to work something on their dime.

Again, that's just my philosophy,

Mark Wheeler
March 16th, 2010, 11:58 AM
...that's just my philosophy,
Good philosophy!

Fitz Townsend
March 16th, 2010, 12:56 PM
Hm, thanks. I guess I was also thinking about the downward pressure that new products put on the prices of EXISTING equipment. But I might just be splitting hairs, here.

Garrett Low
March 16th, 2010, 03:20 PM
Hi Fitz,

That is actually a very valid point. If you've got you're eye on an existing model and are thinking it may drop lower with new announcements, you could wait. The only thing is if you need a camera now you'd have to rent one so you'll have to see if renting now makes financial sense. Up in my area it costs about $250 a day to rent a decent HD camera package.
