View Full Version : I've done some good work -- now what?

Steve Isaacs
March 19th, 2010, 07:38 PM
I'm a top BIOS engineer at a very prosperous and respected company which means I have a lot of technical savy and am well paid for it. Business wise I'm a total idiot!!

The thing is I'm blessed with a top paying job but have made some really stupid financial decisions in the past and over the past four years have been hit financially in ways that caused my financial reserves to dwindle to practically nothing (not including equity in house, 401K and such). My expenses (no credit cards or car payments -- thank God) versus savings are such that I could survive for 6 months and not much more if I had no income at all.

Technically, I have an intuition that has earned me higher and higher paying jobs which to my surprise has put me in a position where I can't really get out without downsizing to the point of hurting. Please remember I'm not whining here and I know that some are saying to themselves they wish they were so lucky. I'm just looking for a solution to a problem which my personality for some reason can't solve. (OK, I'm scared too)

Since my early twenties (more than 30 years now) I've wanted to enter a creative field and software engineering has allowed me to apply my creative side to some challenging and pioneering problems. I've found that for the past 10 years or so this has not been satisfying. My real passion has been and remains to be visual with some musical mixed in. I'm a visual person and video/photography is where I gravitate. My career has been so demanding and high pressured that I've not had any real opportunity to develop my natural talent. Yet, for the past two years I've found myself sitting in my cube at work trying to figure out how to make video my full time pursuit (shhhhh!!! don't tell my employeer!!!).

I know I've got what it takes to produce good and interesting video. Proof of that is a Telly award in 2008, the first and only time I've entered anything like that. That said, I've got lots to learn which is part of the attraction. Video to me is like a whole new frontier into which I've only been able to take short trips. Sorry, I digress...

Part of the reason my savings haven't been replenished is I've been making a large investment in video production equipment ranging from cameras to DTRs to lights to tripods to wireless mics -- prosumer and pro grade stuff. This along with post equipment and software like Adobe Production Premium and Sony Vegas Pro. I'm running these on a very respectible workstation and am set up for hot swapping hard drives and the whole deal. I'm set for equipment!!

Ok, enough of the boring background stuff. Here's where I'm heading. I want to quit my job and enter the business of video production. I don't have the financial heft to sustain any significant length of time without a reasonable income. I'm willing to take a large cut in pay in order to pursue the video and I have no children at home. My wife is very supportive of this dream.

Two problems are preventing me from just jumping in.

One is being a software engineer my social skills aren't that great. I get along great but just don't have the appeal that brings a lot of attention and frankly my personality type is such that I really don't care if I don't get a lot of attention. In otherwords, as a salesman I suck.

The other problem is I'm afraid of failing financially. If it were just me I'd probably have a different attitude but I'm providing a comfortable and fairly secure life for my wife and myself. I'm afraid of risking that and possibly making life really difficult.

I see wedding videos as being a way to make a start.

To establish a bit of credibility beside the Telly I mentioned and to gain some experience, my wife and I did a series of three weddings at no charge. In the process we discovered we really enjoy that and it also brings us closer together.

I've also developed an effective run and gun style shooting races (believe me when I say for us weddings require a lot more running).

I've created the S-corp etc. so am ready there as well. I've also been looking into insurance for losses and liability.

The market here is relatively small with a population of approximately 400,000 in the county.

So, I'm asking for advice. Any suggestions are appreciated. How to break away from the cube world I'm in and enter the open world of video? What I think is missing and I have no talent for (besides the bookkeeping) is effectively attracting business -- enough to pay the bills and afford some growth. Where I want to end up is a small business with two or three crews shooting weddings and corporate stuff.

For those of you who made it through this lengthy post thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. Since you did that much I'd value your opinion and suggestions.


Rick L. Allen
March 19th, 2010, 08:42 PM
A couple of questions for you;

Did you get your high paying engineering job without any experience or did you attend college and earn your current position because of lots of experience? If the answer is "yes" why do you think video is any different and requires any less dedication?

There are literally thousands of professional television folk out of work right now. People who went to college for and dedicated their careers to their craft. How will you stand out and compete against these seasoned pros who have gone freelance since they've lost their jobs?

FYI 85% of people who apply for Telly's get them. They impress people who don't know better.

If you are a lousy businessman why would you leave a steady, decent paying job for a low paying job in which you are self taught and may or may not have talent? Can you make a living shooting weddings? How many would you need to shoot to keep your house, car, etc?

Finally, this job is 90% about social skills. Video people are some of the greatest "people people" you will ever meet. Why? Because we have to be gregarious and find other people interesting and easy to talk to. It's our job.

Just some very real world things to think about.

Steve Isaacs
March 19th, 2010, 09:28 PM
I didn't mean to step on toes.

No, I didn't go to college to enter my software engineering career. I bought books from Goodwill, studied in the basement, raised the kids, did contract work to build a reputation and worked my way up.

I wasn't asking for discouragement. Those thoughts have already worked their way through my head. I was fishing for a tip or two.

So.... Disney, Fox News Channel, the Outdoor Channel etc. are diminished because they have a Telly or two and have wasted their time applying for and being awarded? I think you misunderstand the Telly. It's not to show who's top dog. The market does that. Instead, winning a Telly is really a recognition of having achieved a level of competance. A software engineering analogy is a Microsoft Networking certification. Thus, if 65% are awarded a Telly one year and 85% the next that's actually a measure of how well the submitters have improved as a whole.

I took a look at your web site. I see Nautilus Productions has been awarded a Telly too.

I'm sorry if the economy has been hard for you.

hhmmm... I guess the way to make it is to not be one of the thousands.

Don Bloom
March 19th, 2010, 10:01 PM
As I said in another thread, people become entrepenuers so they can work 80 hours a week for themselves instead of 40 hours a week for someone else.

Having said that, Steve, it doesn't matter what your background is what matters are 2 things. Your drive and desire to do something different from what you're doing and the ability to overcome the fear of failure. Everyone has it, (some don't admit it, some have it less than others but everyone has it).
I've been self employed for almost 38 years and her are some of the things I ask myself BEFORE I do something that requires either large cash outlay, has a HUGH risk of failure or could make me look really stupid.
OK here's what I ask myself. 1) what's the worst thing that could happen if I DO happen to fail 2) will anyone close to me get hurt or die if I fail?
If the answer to #1 is go bankrupt I don't pay attention. I almost did it twice over the years, but I'm a hard nosed, driven person who dosen't take crap from anyone and I WILL find a way out. I set no limits, no bounds. I'm all in or not at all. That's just the way I've lived my entire life and I'm gettin on toward...well lets just say I've been collecting my social security for a couple of years.
As for #2 as long as the answer is NO, then that's out of the equation so it's onward and upward for me.
Listen, you know the definition of insanity. It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It CAN NOT happen.
Can you do this, should you do this, what will happen if you fail at can ask every question like this until you're too old to do it OR you can do it and if you have to pull the plug you do, but that's your choice to make.
Oh yeah I also keep in mind that when you think about things to long, the blood rushes to your head and you get cold feet.
Your choice but last thing. Don't defeat yourself before you get started.

Tim Polster
March 20th, 2010, 01:16 AM
I wasn't asking for discouragement. Those thoughts have already worked their way through my head. I was fishing for a tip or two.

I think you are being a bit defensive towards Rick's reply.

He did not discourage you, he gave you a dose of reality. Your topic is so broad that words of encouragement might be help to jump off of a cliff. To be fair, your post sounded like you had no experience with video production.

As with all creative fields, you have to take a chance and make something for yourself. That is it in a nutshell. If that is scary for you, then maybe you should do video part time until you can make a more informed decision.

You do not have to do it full time to do it well. But as you know, it is not easy, the work or finding the work.

Only you can make these decisions. Maybe more specific questions can give you more precise answers.

Alan Emery
March 20th, 2010, 08:46 AM
Hi Steve,

As I understand your situation, you will have two steep learning curves:

1) How to develop the skill to produce creative, beautiful videos of people getting married in a range of styles that are matched to each individual cusomer's desires, by understanding what the prospective customers (all will be at least a little different) will really love when you present the final package to them, and

2) How to run a small business with all the aspects of sales and marketing, financial management, accounting, invoicing and bill collecting, legal contracting, etc.

If you are too nervous to go for the whole bundle all at once, why not keep your day job until you build the confidence needed. Give yourself two years as a part-time wedding videographer to test the waters and learn like crazy.

Set the mission for your new company to match your goals. Perhaps something like: "Steve's company mission is to produce creative, beautiful videos of people getting married in a range of styles that are matched to each individual cusomer's desires." Set the vision to be something like: "Steve's company will make 50 wonderful wedding videos per year at a gross revenue of $XXX,XXX per year and a comfortable profit over expenses." Set the goals for the first two years to be: Year #1, Complete six excellent wedding videos and break even (make sure your time and expenditures are part of the equation). Year #2, Complete 5 wonderful and 10 excellent wedding videos and end up with a profit.

At the end of year two as a learner and experimenter, assess how well you have done and predict your future success based on what you have learned. Can you achieve the mission and vision of your company over the next five years if you go at it full time?

Many happy and creative small businesses are essentially very expensive hobbies managed so that you earn enough to be a happy creative person. Most new small businesses (about 85%) fail because they are run as hobbies focussing on the creative activities with too little attention to the business activities.


David Barnett
March 20th, 2010, 10:11 AM
So, I'm asking for advice. Any suggestions are appreciated. How to break away from the cube world I'm in and enter the open world of video?

To be brutally honest with you, you're kindof caught in a catch-22 of sorts. You make decent money now (I assume), but to break out onto your own, would still need to make alot of money, to keep up with you relative standard of living, mortgage, retirement plans etc. Just an example, but someone making $100K/year with a $3000/month mortgage probably will have higher needs & expectations that someone making $35k/year who rents. Once you understand this, you'll realize it's a bit more challenging for you than others. (For the record, I'm just offering feedback, I'm not a fulltime video person. Like you, I work in a cube). There's a "Are you a fulltime or partime videographer" thread here, which offers insight, and many other similar threads on here to yours.

Having said all that, honestly my advice is to scrap the "Quit your day job" idea and keep plugging away at it on the side. I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's probably for the best. It was for me, and reluctantly I accepted my fate.It takes a long time to build up a good referral base in weddings, and marketing really only gets you so many leads. Especially since you might not have much of a demo reel. I'd advise you think about your niche, and what you want to become a specialist in? Weddings, Corporate, Television Commercials/Advertising. Pick one, and promote that, yet be willing to do the others as well. Also, get a killer website. I know a little about dreamweaver and built a fairly decent one all by myself. I can't tell you the increase in amount of inquiries I recv'd as opposed to just sending youtube or vimeo links.

Hope this helps. Good luck. And remember, alot of us are in the same boat as you, its' takes time to build up and alot of learning experiences along the way.

Dave Blackhurst
March 20th, 2010, 11:00 AM
Steve -
You've gotten some good replies, and sounds like you've got a good "start", you've done some projects, so the tech side isn't a big worry if the clients you've dealt with already are happy.

There's lots of information available on running a business, and you need to put the skeleton/framework in place - someone has to cover accounting, legal, management, etc. May not be the "fun" stuff, but must be done.

People skills are another area you seem to be afraid of, how about joining the local Rotary club or similar organization? Get two birds for one entry fee - you get to learn to speak, and you probably will find clients for your services... some of the wedding guys are having success with Facebook, which is another "social networking" outlet <wink>.

No reason to bail your "day job", even if you hate it, figure out how to work those extra 40 hours Don mentioned "on the side", plan them out and make the most of every one of them, making sure that every effort is put into building your business. If it's going to go, you'll know fairly soon whether you really want to be an entrepreneur or not (some people are NOT suited for it), and if you can bring in enough income to support your lifestyle, at which point you can set out a plan for the 40 hours of free time you'll ahave if you quit the day job, and then jump with a little less fear.

Don speaks volumes on a practical level when he says there are risks to any situation (including many people who discover "secure" day jobs aren't), and that perseverance with a solid business plan and a "worst case scenario" that you already realize isn't THAT bad is good, sounds quite familiar to me <wink>. Excellent wise words, think on them for a bit!

Roger Van Duyn
March 20th, 2010, 11:28 AM

I took the plunge August 1st after deciding 30 years in the clinical laboratory world was enough. I'd tried to do video in my spare time, but my schedule was too inflexible. It was either take the plunge or forget about the dream. Listen to the guys on this forum. They are a BIG help.

It's been tough getting the business off the ground, but jobs are trickling in. Have even had a repeat customer.

You will need to spend a lot of time and effort on learning to market your business. Customers only care so much about your equipment. If your work looks good, and you come across as friendly and trustworthy, you will start to get work.

Don't expect it to be easy. It is very hard starting a new business. But, just ask Don, the rewards are there. I for one look forward to work instead of dreading it. Building a business is an exciting challenge. Persistence is required. Lot's of persistence.

As you make mistakes, learn to correct them. Get a lawyer, an accountant, form relationships with other business people you already know and trust.

Good luck.

Oh yeah, know the difference between a visionary and a dreamer? One passionately and purposefully pursues his dream. Of course, don't take foolish risks. Learn all you can. Keep on trying.

TJ Robertson
March 20th, 2010, 03:43 PM
Personally, I just think it comes down to what kind of person you are...

I've never been very good at working for other people. I was constantly a mediocre employee. I tried going to college, decided I didn't like it.... I then spent a year and a half in china working for the Venetian Macau... saved up some money and decided that I'd finally do what I was always talking about doing, but too scared to do.

I came back to the states, started my video business.... I talked to some people who gave some great advice, and within 3 months I was making more than I ever had before.... which wasn't a ton, but still... more than the average American was making at the time, and I was only 21.

I didn't work 80 hours a week... most of the time i didn't work 40 hours a week, and I still don't... I didn't get a big break, or get really lucky... I just enjoy what I do, and I found a few things that have worked really well.

So, I think it comes down to what you want and what kind of person you are. You sound like you have the mind of an entrepreneur to me... but I could be wrong.

Whether you believe you will do it or you believe you won't.... you're right.

Steve Isaacs
March 20th, 2010, 04:55 PM
Thanks for the comments. Rather than respond individually I thought I'd make a list. I know you all have communicated more than this short list but here's what I've gathered as I see it applies to me.

(unnamed): Once in a while you'll get rapped on the head for poking it up a bit. Ignore that and in spite of the approach there may be useful information.

Don: Don't worry about failure. Be prepared to get up, dust off and go again. Don, I think you embody the saying envision the best and prepare for the worst. btw: As far as hours go the way I see it is if one's work matches one's passion then the work doesn't seem like work and one does it anyway. That's what I want to achieve.

Alan: Do things to build confidence. Ease into it if necessary. Above all set reasonable goals and keep them in mind.

David: Either prepare to downsize or maintain video as a possible money option on the side. Also, find the niche to fit in. David, you get it. I'll checkout the thread you mentioned. Right now I'm going to remain at the end of the diving board a bit longer before deciding to either jump or back away. btw: Don't get me wrong about the cube thing. I have a great employeer, daily challenges and I work with some really great people some of whom have been my customers and are now some references. It's just I feel guilty some times being distracted from my work there.

Dave: Just admit it. The work of business has to be done so learn how -- and possibly get some help. Also, don't risk too much if it's not necessary. Get involved with something which will help develop the "people skills" and network at the same time (do I have too? don't answer). Good advice. btw: I've had a Facebook page going on a whole two weeks now. My current project is a fund raiser web video for a small charity that's building schools and providing university scholarships in Guatemala. That's getting me noticed from Portland, OR to Washington DC.

Roger: I'm doing it and so can you but it won't just happen. Thanks Roger it's good to see someone making it over the top of the fence.

TJ: No need to get rich just "enjoy what I do". Do what fits. Wise attitude and thanks for the reminder. Carl Jung wrote in so many words that when one is in an environment that doesn't match one's personality it can lead to insanity (sounds gloomy). I like to turn that around and say when one is in an environment that suites their nature cool things can happen.

I hope I didn't misinterpret too much or miss a key point. I appreciate all your responses having come from the perspective of having done it. That's helpful and encouraging. Still leaves me with a decision or two which is another reason the advice and tips are useful. I'd been worried if I'd been presented with a cook-book solution.


Greg Kiger
March 21st, 2010, 08:09 AM
In a previous life I was a technical guy and made the switch to a creative field. Even if you have talent and good gear etc, managing the transition, unless you have boatloads of cash, is the challenging part.

I would just add, to hang onto your day job as long as you can while pushing your creative business forward. Talk with working pros near you, buy um a beer, pick their brain, get constructive feedback on your work, your biz plan, your marketing plan, etc. All good pros will be busy but most all will also remember how hugely helpful someone was to them and want to do the same for you - cultivate that for sure.

Lastly, in a bad economy even the best and brightest and most established will suffer. If you can work hard to get all your ducks in a row so that when good times return you are ready to dive in that will up your odds at getting going. As much as individual prep and talent matter, the phrase "a rising tide lifts all ships" is spot on in our case.

good luck :)

Mick Haensler
March 24th, 2010, 08:40 AM
As I said in another thread, people become entrepenuers so they can work 80 hours a week for themselves instead of 40 hours a week for someone else.

While this may be true for you Don it isn't true for everyone. There are weeks that I put in a lot of hours but for the most part I work less than 40 and have been doing so somewhat successfully for the past 2 years since I broke out on my own. Working less is part of my business plan.

Don Bloom
March 24th, 2010, 10:37 AM
No it's not true for everyone, it's just an old saying that's been around longer than I have. Being an entrpeneur and running a business of ones own is not for everyone. Some people make better employees than business owners and many business owners are not good employees. some biz owners set themselves up for failure while others do whatever is necessary to succeed and the best part is everyone is different and has a different way to do whatever it is that they are doing. Different business plans, different thought processes, different attitudes and I always say, you do what works for you.
I too have always hated the idea of working for others and knew way back when, that my ideas were "better" than theirs, well at least in my mind they were. lol! Some worked some didn't, oh well. I guess what I'm trying to say is as a business owner most people are will to work harder for themselves than for someone else.
I'm glad that your plan has been and is working for you, perhaps one day we'll meet up on the beach while relaxing in retirement.

Mick Haensler
March 24th, 2010, 11:17 AM
You mean I get to retire??

Seriously, well said Don

Liam Hall
March 24th, 2010, 11:48 AM
Having worked in the film and television industry for over a quarter of a century my advice is stick to what you are good at and concentrate on providing for your family. Get involved with some local film clubs, write some scripts in your spare time, but don't jeopardize your family by getting involved in a business you so clearly do not understand. This business is full of deluded dreamers who can't make ends meet as it is - it certainly doesn't need any more. I don't mean to be harsh, but everything you've written in your opening post tells me you are better off staying in your current business.

Dave Blackhurst
March 24th, 2010, 12:09 PM
Liam -The OP wasn't planning on going into the "movie biz"... he is exploring doing wedding & event video - entirely different animals.

Weddings and events aren't "scripted" for one... one take, one shot to get it "right", and you are the cameraman, editor, chief cook and bottle washer. You may want to re-read the OP's post... the responses aren't from "dreamers" hoping to make the next Avatar, but people who are building or have viable small event video operations, as the OP is thinking about doing.

Rick L. Allen
March 24th, 2010, 12:55 PM
Liam is absolutely dead on and should be commended for his honesty.

There's way to much "just go for it, everything will be fine" advice on this forum. When I speak to film/video students I lay out the realities of this profession and whether you're shooting weddings or feature films this business has never been tougher. Just because someone doesn't say you're wonderful and should "go for it" doesn't mean it's bad advice. If you've got work as carpenter or an aerospace engineer right now keep your job. I know plenty of talented network cameramen, videographers and production companies that have closed their doors in the last 2 years.

Liam Hall
March 24th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Thank you Rick. I too have seen a lot of people struggle in recent years across all sectors of the industry. I keep busy by being versatile or is it because I'm cheap - take your pick:)

Liam -The OP wasn't planning on going into the "movie biz"... he is exploring doing wedding & event video - entirely different animals.

Weddings and events aren't "scripted" for one... one take, one shot to get it "right", and you are the cameraman, editor, chief cook and bottle washer. You may want to re-read the OP's post... the responses aren't from "dreamers" hoping to make the next Avatar, but people who are building or have viable small event video operations, as the OP is thinking about doing.

Dave, I can read. I know exactly the industry the OP is trying to get into, if you read the post again you'll see the OP asked for our opinions and suggestions. I gave mine.

Tim Polster
March 24th, 2010, 02:00 PM
I think the key is doing something for employment that you do not want to retire from...

Steve Isaacs
March 25th, 2010, 09:11 PM
Thank you Rick. I too have seen a lot of people struggle in recent years across all sectors of the industry. I keep busy by being versatile or is it because I'm cheap - take your pick:)

Dave, I can read. I know exactly the industry the OP is trying to get into, if you read the post again you'll see the OP asked for our opinions and suggestions. I gave mine.

And, Liam, I appreciate your perspective. You're entirely correct. It'd be a complete fluke if I could compete with either yourself or Rick. No matter which way I look at it I'd always be way behind the experience curve compared to you guys and in the years I've got left couldn't pull together the kind of productions you do. That said, I can see nothing wrong with striving for your level of quality.

Looking back at my OP this is what may have given you and Rick the impression I was going to make an attempt to compete at your level: "....and enter the business of video production". I agree, attempting something like that for me would be both unrealistic and stupid. Your comments reinforce that for me. I meant that in the more general sense where producing a wedding video is also a video production.

But Dave is right. You suggested I write scripts in my spare time. I have no interest in writing a script or directing talent. I don't see an entry in the local film festival in my future. In other words my aspirations are completely out of the market you're obviously most familiar with. Weddings are something my wife and I enjoy doing and I believe doing those and other events is being realistic.

But this is not what I was asking about. Nor is it what this is supposed to be about. The title of this forum is "Taking Care of Business" and several have responded in that vein pointing out that if I want to run a business I'd better learn how including all the stuff from bookkeeping to marketing. I interpret that as doing so before being fully committed.

Yes, I'd like to do a corporate video or two and maybe a short documentary but I don't see those as bread and butter, pay the bills type of work for me. Here's what I wrote as my goal: "Where I want to end up is a small business with two or three crews shooting weddings and corporate stuff." My mention of two or three crews may have given the wrong impression as well. My motivation for that is recognizing that whatever I do it won't be even close to a twenty year run. My vision is to create an exit strategy where I can hand over the reigns and gradually bow out and maybe even have a company someone else would want to buy.

Steve Isaacs
March 25th, 2010, 09:40 PM
Weddings and events aren't "scripted" for one... one take, one shot to get it "right", and you are the cameraman, editor, chief cook and bottle washer...

I'm sure, Dave, that what you said about weddings not being scripted is not entirely what you meant. You have a lot more experience than we do so you may want to set me straight. From what we've experienced so far weddings are, at least for our unobtrusive style, actually planned chaos. We have a checklist of shots that we consider "must get" shots. Among these are the rings, the dress, the parents, the vows, the wedding party, the cake, the photo shoot, the toasts and so on -- not necessarily in that order. Our unobtrusive style means we don't setup the shots and the couple forgets we're there. Like you say, Dave, at least for us there's only one opportunity to get the shot -- the real shot. So far we've been able to fill our checklist every time but doing so required forethought, planning, anticipation and a lot of repositioning mixed in with a bit of luck. From the experience we've gained so far we know we can do it.

In your experience do you think it would be possible to approach a local and established event videographer to ask about the business side of things? I hesitate to do that partially because of my social skills I mentioned and partially because I'm afraid of creating the impression I'm after secrets so I can take business away. As far as taking business that would be nearly true since I'm planning to enter the local market place that's already divided up. I'd sure like to buy someone lunch or dinner to discuss questions like: How do you attract business? Using Facebook? Has that Flash website paid off? Do you have a recommendation for an accountant?

Rick L. Allen
March 26th, 2010, 05:23 AM
Looking back at my OP this is what may have given you and Rick the impression I was going to make an attempt to compete at your level: "....and enter the business of video production". I agree, attempting something like that for me would be both unrealistic and stupid. Your comments reinforce that for me. I meant that in the more general sense where producing a wedding video is also a video production.

Steve at some point all of us, Liam and myself included, started where you are with little or no experience and/or skills. Over decades we have built viable production companies through hard work and experience. Having "been there and done that" we know what we know and also to some extent know what we don't know. Our comments to you are based on our real world experience, not fear of competition. We see way too many starry eyed filmmakers get into this business and then fail miserably. Unfortunately, this forum seems to encourage that sort of behavior. Our point is and was that if you have a decent job you should keep it because jeopardizing your family's economic security with a full scale switch into the video biz at this moment in time is probably not a good idea.

Also you replied to Dave Blackhurst;

In your experience do you think it would be possible to approach a local and established event videographer to ask about the business side of things? I hesitate to do that partially because of my social skills I mentioned and partially because I'm afraid of creating the impression I'm after secrets so I can take business away.

But that is exactly what you are doing. You will be asking a competitor to give you the benefit of his experience and local knowledge so that you can compete against his business. I occassionally get calls like that and you can guess what my reaction is.

Lorinda Norton
March 26th, 2010, 10:31 AM
Hi Steve,

This "social skills" problem you've mentioned more than once should be your starting place, in my opinion. Attracting, selling, and keeping business is a social event.

First thing I'd do if I were in your shoes is a bit of reading to give you more insight into the business side of things and more importantly, what type of salesman you are, what you can work on, etc.

I'm sure there are a lot of great books out there, but for general insight these remain on my shelf; the first one being the most valuable for me:

Selling the Invisible, by Harry Beckwith
Thinking for a Change, by John C. Maxwell
Sales Dogs, by Blair Singer

Liam Hall
March 26th, 2010, 11:00 AM
Our comments to you are based on our real world experience, not fear of competition. We see way too many starry eyed filmmakers get into this business and then fail miserably. Unfortunately, this forum seems to encourage that sort of behavior. Our point is and was that if you have a decent job you should keep it because jeopardizing your family's economic security with a full scale switch into the video biz at this moment in time is probably not a good idea.

Exactly right Rick. My comments weren't based on worrying about competition - not only do I help and encourage many newbies to film and video, but I work in a completely different sector of the business and in a different country!

I don't want to dash anyone's dream, but do want to give solid advice.

Jeopardizing his family's financial security seems a bad call to me. Maybe Steve should start his business part-time, as others have said and if it takes off then run with it.

Steve Isaacs
March 27th, 2010, 08:42 AM
.... Our point is and was that if you have a decent job you should keep it because jeopardizing your family's economic security with a full scale switch into the video biz at this moment in time is probably not a good idea.

Point taken and a good one. One thing though is we're empty nesters and have been for quite some time (kids are in their thirties and doing well). Another is I am a bit of a risk taker and want to figure this out before getting to the short side of my "bucket list". I don't play the slots or craps tables or even the lottery but like to be in situations where I have some degree of control over the odds. That's where yours and Liam's advice, along with a few of others, I believe is strong advice. Working at it part time and keeping the "day job" is a great way to improve the odds. Which, by the way, is what I've been doing. Now, however, I need to figure out how to monetize that effort and seem to be a stuck on that. (back to my poor salesmanship/marketing)

But that is exactly what you are doing. You will be asking a competitor to give you the benefit of his experience and local knowledge so that you can compete against his business. I occassionally get calls like that and you can guess what my reaction is.

In a competitive world I -can- imagine what your response would be and although I suspect it may be a bit strong I can't argue it would be inappropriate. I now consider those waters tested and won't approach that pool.

That said I believe my neck of the woods may be a little more friendly. I've learned there's a local small business association where the members get together and "network". Businesses do offer each other advice and refer business to each other. The objective is to maintain a strong local economy, not dominate it. I'll definitely be contacting this group.

And in my personal experience one of my previous bosses (a different life in the construction supply business) helped save a direct competitor who was in serious financial trouble and in risk of closing the doors. It can happen. To be honest though I believe part of the motivation was this competitor would take business my boss didn't think was all that profitable and my boss didn't want that business coming to him.

Also, I've learned that local wedding photographers, typically being just a photographer and an assistant, do pass business to each other when they're overbooked or unable to meet a contractual commitment because of illness or other unfortunate circumstance. I don't think this would happen if they were in the habit of blowing each other off.

Steve Isaacs
March 27th, 2010, 08:50 AM
...what type of salesman you are, what you can work on, etc.

That triggered some thought. I wasn't thinking in terms of salesman types or which type suites me. This could be a key clue for me. It could explain part of my discomfort.

I'm sure there are a lot of great books out there, but for general insight these remain on my shelf; the first one being the most valuable for me:

Selling the Invisible, by Harry Beckwith
Thinking for a Change, by John C. Maxwell
Sales Dogs, by Blair Singer

Thanks for the reading suggestions -- I wonder if I can find them for my Nook. --- pause --- Yep, in ePub or ePDF among other formats at:

Rick L. Allen
March 27th, 2010, 08:11 PM
Also, I've learned that local wedding photographers, typically being just a photographer and an assistant, do pass business to each other when they're overbooked or unable to meet a contractual commitment because of illness or other unfortunate circumstance. I don't think this would happen if they were in the habit of blowing each other off.

Building relationships with colleagues is huge. I've got group of friends locally and nationally that I trust to pass work to and who will pass work back to me. We hire each other on occasion and share or rent gear back and forth when needed. These are professional relationships and friendships built over long periods of time with other freelancers who have a reputation for solid skills and integrity. There is also a group of guys that none of us will work with under any circumstances and they've earned that reputation as well.

Steve Isaacs
March 27th, 2010, 09:36 PM
Building relationships with colleagues is huge. I've got group of friends locally and nationally that I trust to pass work to and who will pass work back to me.

Looks like this is important to succeeding - thanks. Ok, another of the social skills to develop. How did you first get in contact? Besides this site are social sites such as Facebook and Twitter important to you for developing these relationships? Did you meet at trade shows? Bump into each other at production sites or rental stores?

Craig Parkes
March 28th, 2010, 02:19 AM
Steve, I'm going to suggest that maybe you look at doing something completely different to what your thinking of doing - and that's this: Move sideways into the film and video industry while continuing the full time job you have.

By move sideways, I mean there is no reason for you to start at the bottom of videography, if you can take some of your existing skill base and apply that to the videography world, and also start to use your growing videography skills in your existing role.

What does your role as a BIOS engineer actually entail? - what makes you really good at it? Are some of the skills you have as a BIOS engineer transferable into the myriad of videography related technical jobs out there.

For example, would you be good at programming plug ins for the various non linear editors out there. Or would you be a good fit if you developed your skill set towards camera technology or chipsets for video, is that the sort of thing you could study or make personal growth towards.

Simultaneously do you have some knowledge about your existing industry that you think could be better documented in Video rather than in paper and PDFs and emails. Someway to better explain what it is you, your department, or company does/needs/wants.

Doing some videography for your company internally may at first seem like a waste of you as a resource to your company, but if you spin it so that it's clear that this is something you feel needs to be done to improve both your working situation, and the situation of your co workers and employees then you might find your company quite receptive.

Even if it's just suggesting you come in and document a day at your office, or part of your business - and you do a half decent job and you show it to someone in marketing or your boss or whatever then you may find you get supportive feedback to expand upon it, oh and next time they will pay some of your costs.

Suddenly you have flexed your creative muscles a little bit, expanded your skill set, expanded your client list (from 0 to 1, your existing employer) and figured out a bit more if this is something you really want to do. From there, start to figure out if there is something in your existing industry that you can do freelance for a good amount of money, but leave you enough time to expand your work as a videographer - but most importantly IN YOUR INDUSTRY. Having knowledge of your existing industry will instantly increase the likelihood of someone hiring you to video part of the process, or to create a training video or an industrial video - because it will be easy for you to make contacts and talk shop with them.

These won't be high paying jobs, but they will not only increase your skill base in videography it will increase your contacts and potentially opportunity for freelance work in your existing industry. Maybe you'll become a consultant, or a trainer, or something else that does videography on the side, which also allows you to do the odd wedding etc.

The key thing is getting people to co operate with your goals and dreams, and doing everything in incremental steps so you don't jeopardize your existing situation too much.

If people can't get to co operate in the first step - e.g doing video for your work place and/or using your existing skills in the video industry, then you should take a step back and re-think, because videography is all about getting people to cooperate with you to allow you to film them, or creatively solving problems (like what you want to achieve can't be done with existing equipment/software - so you need to find someone to program/build it or do it yourself.)

Rick L. Allen
March 28th, 2010, 05:48 AM
How did you first get in contact? Besides this site are social sites such as Facebook and Twitter important to you for developing these relationships? Did you meet at trade shows? Bump into each other at production sites or rental stores?

Primarily, we worked to together on some project or job and I was impressed with their skills, creativity, work ethic and/or attitude. Rule one; I don't recommend someone to a client unless I've actually worked with them and I'd hire them myself. It's a reflection on me if I make bad recommendation to a client. It's also a reflection on me if I make a good recommendation.

Steve Isaacs
March 29th, 2010, 09:56 PM
Primarily, we worked to together on some project or job and I was impressed with their skills, creativity, work ethic and/or attitude. Rule one; I don't recommend someone to a client unless I've actually worked with them and I'd hire them myself. It's a reflection on me if I make bad recommendation to a client. It's also a reflection on me if I make a good recommendation.

Just like my dad used to say.

Steve Isaacs
March 29th, 2010, 10:17 PM
Steve, I'm going to suggest that maybe you look at doing something completely different to what your thinking of doing - and that's this: Move sideways into the film and video industry while continuing the full time job you have.

By move sideways, I mean there is no reason for you to start at the bottom of videography, if you can take some of your existing skill base and apply that to the videography world, and also start to use your growing videography skills in your existing role.

Thanks Craig. Good suggestions. Something to think about for sure.

Actually, I did find I like Action Script or After Effects expressions/scripting. When BIOS works nobody notices, when it doesn't work everybody complains. A successful BIOS is one where no-one knows it's there. It's a rare person I can talk to about the day doing BIOS stuff. Action Script or After Effects scripting gives that instant gratification and something my wife could look at and be impressed with.

At one time I was tempted to do templates for After Effects or DVD/Blueray menus.

Craig Parkes
March 30th, 2010, 04:30 AM
Steve - I'd definitely suggest looking into that then, as well as maybe scripting for 3D programs like Maya (MEL scripting is based on C++ I believe)

There is lots of creative problem solving there that could probably use your expertise that has highly visible, and impressive results.

Blu Ray and DVD menus also have a lot in common with BIOS in the regard you mention - when they work probably almost no one notices, and it's hard to appreciate the true amount of foresight that goes into making really good ones, and I'm sure your background will make it easier for you to pick up on the details of the white papers describing the back end architecture that both are built upon, which is key to being able to get them working in a real environment.

Harry Simpson
August 12th, 2010, 02:59 PM

I've read through this whole thread with interest and empathy. I moved sideways from a boring cube job into developing software to solve engineering problems at the boring job I had.
After 5 years and over 100k expendentures, I had several products on the market and was pulling in about 20-30k a year in sales. What I lacked was capital to hire enough people to actually grow the company and expand and grow. I did it all myself.....the up side is I learned programming and now have a lucrative software job.
My point is I'm kinda where you are....I want to do the creative but it can't pay like the regular software gig pays so here I return to make money to pay the bills.
What my wife and I are doing now is she runs the business - though we shoot together and do weddings etc as they come up.
Perhaps your wife could maintain the business at first and you keep the daytime job til you sufficiently book up and you just don't have time for the daytime job anymore - then walk away.
Takes longer but I hear you when you say the expenses depand a certain level of income. I'm not using the daytime job to get that solved so that I can live at a lower income but still do what I want to do creatively.
I'm no business person either!
Good luck - you're not alone.