View Full Version : Cineform performance terrible in Vegas 7d

Laurence Kingston
April 26th, 2010, 06:54 AM
I just backtracked from the new Vegas 9d back to 9c because of how lousy Cineform performance is in the newest update. I'm not sure how much communication there is between the Sony and Cineform teams these days, but it is a shame when software revisions are released with major problems like this.

Mike Calla
April 26th, 2010, 09:48 AM
EDIT: post removed :) Infomortion was incorrect

Laurence Kingston
April 26th, 2010, 10:48 AM
I corrected my first post. What I meant to say is that Cineform performance in 9d is broken and I just had to revert back to 9c. Can anyone else confirm this?

Mike Calla
April 26th, 2010, 09:18 PM
I don't have 9d installed yet. Latest build of cineform neoscene is working fine in 9c (but you know that:)

Nobody else has chimed in, and other vegas forums (cow, wwug) have no mention.

Better file a ticket and let them know.

Chris Barcellos
April 26th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Vegas 9d has had some big issues at this point. People have been complaining about inordinate load times. I tried pulling in a large group of Cineform converted files, and indeed, there is a near lock up. It is not really locking up, but just taking ages to load the files. This is something that happened a year or more back in 8 in one of the builds, and it was eventually ironed out. 9d also locked up when I took an open file in the First Light, and adjusted it there, then toggled back to Vegas.... 9c did not do that either.

I will go back to 9c as everything worked there and await a Vegas fix.

Mike Calla
April 27th, 2010, 07:04 PM
RULE # 1: Don't be the first to install new software/versions!
RULE # 2: Don't be the first to install new software/versions!
RULE # 3: Don't be the first to install ...:)

Seriously though, its good rule! Wait a while, see what others say.

Keith Paisley
April 28th, 2010, 07:14 AM
RULE # 1: Don't be the first to install new software/versions!
RULE # 2: Don't be the first to install new software/versions!
RULE # 3: Don't be the first to install ...:)

Seriously though, its good rule! Wait a while, see what others say.

I had some issues following an in-place upgrade from 9c to 9d but my system started out as a Win 7 Beta, then RC, then I did the hack to allow me to upgrade (vs a clean install) to the retail release of Windows 7. I recently replaced my system drive with an Intel SSD and performed a clean install of everything and I can honestly say that Vegas 9d is performing exceptionally well with Cineform Neo Scene and NeoHD (trial). I was having issues with really slow timeline playback and abnormally slow rendering times (well, even 9c was suffering a little bit there), but now my system is really performing noticeably better and I haven't encountered any serious glitches. Even the performance of HDLink transforms seems to have improved noticeably.

I don't know if you could achieve the same results by uninstalling Vegas 9c first and then going to 9d, but maybe that's something to consider. So far I give 9d a thumbs up.

Laurence Kingston
April 28th, 2010, 02:44 PM
I did an uninstall of 9d and a reinstall of 9d and still had terrible performance.

Keith Paisley
April 28th, 2010, 03:32 PM
I did an uninstall of 9d and a reinstall of 9d and still had terrible performance.

if you have a spare drive and an hour or so, try a fresh windows install (on the spare drive, of course) then reinstall vegas and cineform and see if it doesn't work much better. Something tells me there are some libraries or something that Vegas uses that end up conflicting and causing problems during an update to 9.0d from 9.0c. If that's the case, hopefully it's something that Sony can clean up fairly easily. But so far since I started with a clean install of everything, I've done 2 medium sized projects with 9.0d, each with 3 to 4 1080p tracks, masking, text overlays, etc... and editing and previews have been extremely smooth and clean. So I think 9.0d is probably pretty good - after hearing the reports of so many people having problems similar to those I *was* having, I'm pretty sure it's something in the upgrade process that's borking things.

Jay Bloomfield
April 28th, 2010, 07:50 PM
Does this happen every time you open the veg or only the first time? It looks to me like Vegas 9d is rebuilding all the audio peak data for no useful reason. If you have a lot of files, that could take forever.

Laurence Kingston
April 29th, 2010, 06:42 AM
Even with the audio waveforms already drawn, Vegas 9d takes a really long time to open Cineform clips. It is something else.