View Full Version : Wedding Editing, what software?

Denny Kyser
May 2nd, 2010, 10:28 PM
If your video business was 90% weddings, and you had a new Mac Pro, and Adobe creative suite cs4, what would you use to edit.

I have been using Premier Pro cs4, but not real happy, it was pretty buggy but may have been more my win 7 64bit. I am now on Mac and happy but not sure if I should spend the $600.00 to upgrade to cs5, or just add a little more and get FCS. I do not do a ton of weddings, but want something that is stable, and can do a basic job fairly quick.

I will be using ex1r, 5d II and a 1d IV for the video, if that makes a difference.


Edward Carlson
May 3rd, 2010, 07:25 AM
Trick question. If I already had Adobe CS 4 I wouldn't buy anything else. Then again I'm cheap...

It really depends on what you are used to. I practically grew up with FCP, so that's my editor of choice. I have recently started using Avid, and honestly hate it. I'll continue hating it until I can use it as well as I can use FCP. So unless you know how to use FCP, or can take the time to learn, then stick with what you know.

Matthew Craggs
May 3rd, 2010, 07:44 AM
I guess it depends what you're using it for. To relate it to my own personal situation, I was awfully tempted by CS4 simply because Encore is miles ahead in Blu Ray. Then I started doing more corporate work, and decided to stick with what I had because the corporate work doesn't require handing over a finished Blu Ray disc.

Seems like your big issue is stability. Now that you have switched to a Mac, can you pick up a trial version of Premiere and try it for a month? That should be enough time to tell if CS5 is as buggy on your new Mac as CS4 was on your PC.

I will say this, though: In my humble opinion, Premiere and Final Cut are identical, so learning a new system shouldn't be too difficult, though you should allow a bit of time to get used to things.

Denny Kyser
May 3rd, 2010, 07:58 AM
Thanks guys, I like at least having the option to run either. I think I will give CS5 a try first, I know the trial does not have all the bells and whistles as the full version, may just have to bit the bullet to give it a real test. I have been using adobe products for years and hate the thought of learning new software.

If I still have issues will make the switch.