View Full Version : Changing sound of voice

Renton Maclachlan
May 10th, 2010, 01:40 PM
I've developed a format for doing satire interviews for youtube with myself playing both roles. (Here is my latest posting: YouTube - "Nicholas Smith" - Emissions Trading Scheme & Climate Change ( An interview with the NZ Minister of Climate Change regarding emissions trading etc. )

I have endeavoured to get the two roles separated in terms of look as much as I can, which among other things includes having a hair cut after filming one role.

The satires work as video but not as audio, because with video, the picture takes priority over sound in terms of identifying the speaker even though there is no differentiation in the voices. However with audio only where the picture identification is missing, the differentiation between speakers is lost.

Last night I had the idea that I could perhaps further the differentiation between roles in post by changing the sound of one of the voices some how.

I edit in Vegas 9

Does anyone have any ideas on how I could do this?

Geoffrey Cox
May 10th, 2010, 01:58 PM
I suppose a slight pitch shift would do it - about a semitone can sound dramatically different, any more though (upwards) and you pretty quickly change sex! Alternatively a subtle filter or EQ change might just do it but would also tend to change the acoustic space which might not work.

Renton Maclachlan
May 10th, 2010, 02:09 PM
Thanks Geoffrey...

ummm...How do I do a slight pitch shift?

Actually I guess I could pitch shift them both but in opposite directions...

Geoffrey Cox
May 10th, 2010, 02:35 PM
Don't know about Vegas but I'm pretty sure in FCP there is a plugin that does it. Alternatively there must be plenty of free basic audio editors that can preform pitch manipulation - it's a very basic audio function (I use Logic Pro but that costs). One thing to mention is that if you raise the pitch without time correcting then the audio file will get slightly shorter (and vice versa) thus throwing the audio / video synch out, so you need to make sure that the sound is processed with time correction enabled. This can cause artifacts to be introduced but with small pitch changes this isn't normally a problem.

If you use a Mac then Soundhack will do it and it's free (use the Phase Vocoder under Hack menu, select pitch scale and semitone shift from the pop up menus):

Soundhack | homepage (

Renton Maclachlan
May 10th, 2010, 11:44 PM
I found it in Vegas Geoffrey. It's as easy as. And retaining length as well - just tick a box. Thanks for pointing the way.

Chris Soucy
May 11th, 2010, 12:51 AM
Just watched your U-tube piece, what a scream.

Takes me back to some of the 60's/ early 70's acidic take offs on telly then, hilarious, huh, I used to damn near p**s myself ,some of them were so good (got so tame since.).

Keep up the good work.


Renton Maclachlan
May 11th, 2010, 03:24 AM
Just watched your U-tube piece, what a scream... CSThanks Chris. Spread the word to as many as you can - and tell them to do the same. :-) Would be appreciated. The ETS is to be introduced on the 1st July.

Got an email back from Smith's secretary today. "Very good. Thank you."