View Full Version : custom preset sugestions

Dale Guthormsen
May 18th, 2010, 02:33 PM
Good afternoon,

I have several two camera shoots coming up. I am using my xlh1 and a sony fx 1000

The sony is richer in color so I have been working on a preset to mave the canon look more like the sony as it does not have the versatility my canon does in this regard.

I am getting close, however when I am in shaded areas there is a definite difference. The sun lit pond shots are pretty darn close.

Those of you more familiar with all the presetable parameters I was wondering what I might do to draw them a little closer. Note the difference in the chair/brighter colors and the background.

sugestions welcome!!!!!

color test on Vimeo

dale guthormsenn

Michael Galvan
May 19th, 2010, 06:48 AM
Looks like to my eye, you should use Black Press and adjust the Master Pedestal to match.

Also should use the normal gamma bring the luminance curve up to brighten the yellow area more.

And maybe increase the saturation just slightly.

Dale Guthormsen
May 19th, 2010, 08:23 AM

I will work with that a bit this morning and get back to you.

On the canon how do you adjust the luminance, or did you mean in post?

I am trying to get it so there is virtually no major CC in post.



I managed to get the two cameras almost identical. Gamma at normal helped a lot!! In the end I changed the preset on the Sony, Portrait preset and then used my canon preset which is a modified naturalo which was an xl2 set as i recall!!

I am going to go out and shoot some waterfowl now and see how we faired.

Michael Galvan
May 19th, 2010, 12:30 PM
Cool, yes, it looks like you were using Cinegamma 1 in your clip. Normal gamma lifts the luminance curve, to be more linear from 0 to 100.

Glad it worked for you.