View Full Version : export to m2t = cannot retrieve frame

Michael Stewart
July 21st, 2005, 11:54 PM
with the update (3.2a) I can now export to m2v, but still have problem exporting out to m2t (xporting to movie or mpeg pro) both the same problem, it is not a transition problem because it happens even after I export the work area to a complete movie and then to m2t, it also happens at different frame points (not always the same frame) any clues? Also I never had this problem if I did straight captured footage, footage that has been output from AE or exported from Premiere seems to cause the problem, straight captured and edited footage seems to work fine, once I export it and bring it back in sems to be a problem, although it plays perfectly on the timeline.


David Newman
July 22nd, 2005, 09:11 AM
We can't reproduce this on any of the systems at CineForm. Please continue to work with support to determine what might be different on your system to ours.

Michael Stewart
July 22nd, 2005, 01:06 PM
Hi David, I will work back on my workflow to see if at any point it will finally export, I will post later, thanks again
