View Full Version : Burning SD-DVD from AVCHD using Mac

Armando Irias
September 6th, 2010, 04:00 PM
I recently acquired the Sony NX5U camcorder and have been editing in FCP6.0.5 using Log&Transfer. Im shooting HD 1080/60i FX. I am very happy with the quality of the video and I have no problems transfering the footage into FCP. My editing workflow has been very friendly also. But my question is the following: I live in a third world country where all my clients use standard dvd players, therefore I must deliver SD DVD. Can anyone share any advice the best workflow I mus follow to achieve a decent SD DVd burn?
I have tried using Compressor first and then DVD Studio Pro and also Toast 10, but I get a downgraded video quality.
Thank you for your inputs.