View Full Version : IRS tax advice sought: Form W7

Damian Heffernan
October 2nd, 2010, 04:43 PM
Hi all,
I thought I might try the forum as I've been a bit defeated by the IRS website.

I submitted a W7, application for IRS individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) form and had it rejected because I did not provide the correct applicable tax treaty article (number I think).

For those that don't know: as an Australian wanting to get paid for some DVD sales in the USA I will get stung for 30% tax on the earnings, unless I get an ITIN. We have a free trade agreement with the USA so I should only pay 10%. I rounded up all my required ID, signatures, submitted the form with what I thought was the right treaty number from the IRS website but I must have got it wrong.

I found the site very difficult to navigate and thought (stupidly) that maybe someone at IRS would knnow the correct tax treaty number and maybe just fix my application :(. I mean how the &#*` should I know what number the IRS gives the tax treaty setup between our Countries?

Does anyone here (maybe other Aussies who have done it) know anything about the IRS' W7 form?

Dave Blackhurst
October 4th, 2010, 03:49 PM
Damian -
Not even the IRS understands the IRS... seriously, the tax codes are so convoluted that each employee is "expert" in only a line or two of a tax form...

I'd suggest you contact someone in Australia that has experience with this specific scenario. Do you have CPA's or tax attorneys that specialize in international commerce?

Maybe you'll get lucky and one of the other Australian members here will know...