View Full Version : Newbie question - Text follow video

Ramos Silva
October 5th, 2010, 08:05 PM
HI, I'm a newbie in editing and need some basic help to start my first project.

I already google for tutorials but I´m afraid I'm so lost that dont know what to look for.

In the video below the text (name of the mountains) follows the movement of the video. When I try to do the same on premiere the text stands still.

YouTube - pico da tijuca montanhas.mp4 (

Can someone share a tip or point a tutorial in how to make the text "follow" the video?

I'm already tried animate the postion, but the result was horrible...

Thx in advance

Robert Young
October 6th, 2010, 12:50 AM
That is one of those effects that look far simpler than they are.
This was probably actually done in After Effects (you can track that mountain perfectly with a "null point" in AE), rather than in PPro.
If the pan speed of the shot is absolutely steady, you can get very close in PPro by animating the position of the title with keyframes. Theoretically, one key frame at the beginning, and one at the end of the shot.
If the pan speed varies a bit, you will have to try to match the title movement to the pan with multiple keyframes to get close. To prevent jerky movement of the title, you need to add "easy out/easy in" or Bezier properties to the keyframes. This will smooth the movement.
The most important quality is that the title movement be smooth. If the title falls a little behind the mountain (or whatever), it could look O.K., even give it a hint of a 3-D effect. Perfection is probably not paramount, it just has to look good.
Keep fiddling around with it- once you get it, you'll have it forever :)

Ramos Silva
October 6th, 2010, 05:28 AM
Thank you very much Robert,

This helped a lot not only to do the effect, but to understanding the process.
