View Full Version : 3D in Premiere CS5

Mark Pavy
October 25th, 2010, 04:37 AM
Is it just me (I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed) or is there a fundamental workflow issue between cineform stereoscopic files and Premiere Pro? I just can't see how you could display a 3D file as say a 25% upper left or picture in picture. Well that's not quite true, it can be done in anaglyph mode, but then switch cineform to side by side for export and Premiere Pro doesn't quite get what's going on. Please help.

Mark Pavy
October 28th, 2010, 08:11 PM
Ok, messed around a bit and worked out how my problem can be resolved (scale and position 3d file as picture in picture in Premiere).

1. Convert and mux streams together
2. Import into Premiere, scale and position in left or right or anaglyph mode.
3. Export in left eye mode
4. Export in right eye mode
5. Mux these two streams together in first light
6. Import resulting file into Premiere
7. Export side by side file into desired file format.

Seems like a lot of work to me.

I've written to Mr Adobe about this.

Robert Kennedy
October 29th, 2010, 10:21 AM
My workflow is slightly simpler, but still involved:

1. Copy source video + audio
2. Convert to Cineform codec
3. Set sync points and eye designation in FL
4. Mux to 3D cineform file
5. Make initial adjustments to 3D file in FL
6. Edit in Premiere CS5 and further adjust as needed (note: you may set whichever 3d display type you want)

When exporting the final video, simply set the 3D display type to your desired deilvery format (typically side-by-side). While this is half-res, that is the most compatible 3d-format at the moment.

If making a full-res 1080p Youtube HD file, I have to export left and right eye separately and put them side-by-side manually (in a 3840x1080 project). Haven't tried delivering for BluRay 3D yet, but my understanding is I can deliver L+R eye independently and the BluRay house will do the rest...
