View Full Version : Fall 2010 DP Reel

Noah Yuan-Vogel
December 10th, 2010, 09:32 AM
This is my DP reel that I recently updated. I'd love to hear some feedback or questions from anyone since I update it periodically with my new work. The footage is mostly Canon 7D though a few EX1 shots made it in there. Can you tell which ones are EX1? Also, it is pretty much all lit with my custom light kit. There are also some shots from a feature in there I lit primarily with 26W cfls from Home Depot (due to budget). Anyway here's the link:

Noah Yuan-Vogel - Director of Photography Reel - Updated Fall 2010 (

(encoded in 720p, so fullscreen is recommended)
Thanks for watching!

Noah Yuan-Vogel
December 17th, 2010, 11:12 AM
Nothing? 100+ views and no replies? Is it because I didnt embed the video? I'd still like to hear any thoughts :)

Daniel J. Mears
December 22nd, 2010, 01:32 PM
Hi Noah,

Your reel looks great, some really nice lighting and composition! Be great to see some landscape/cityscape/GV shots to break up the people shots... just a thought.

There are also some shots from a feature in there I lit primarily with 26W cfls from Home Depot (due to budget).

I'd be interested in knowing what these shots were!



Noah Yuan-Vogel
December 30th, 2010, 08:12 AM
hey thanks for your response.

the shots with the girl with the revolver and the guy in the car and at the dining table were from the feature mostly using homedepot cfls. i did have 2 2bulb diva-type lights that were $180 with daylight bulbs from adorama as well and Lowell tungsten fixtures, but i never used any tugsten on the whole project. the cfls were great for running handheld on my little 40wh portable power or a car inverter for night ext and for hanging in scoop or DIY aluminum pan lights since we could hang them in a few seconds using gaff tape or little wall hooks. most of the time the entire camera and G&E crew was just me and my Gaffer.