View Full Version : Still capturing - MAC solution

Daniel Paquin
February 14th, 2011, 04:46 AM
Does anyone know of a software on a MAC that will be able to take NX5U AVCHD (720p/60) file and export a sequence of a clip into mpeg files.

I want to be able to select multiple part of a clip and turn them into pictures.

In a day I have many many clips, as I have many many customers who are interested in still pictures not in video files. I see places when they announce "photos in action" and would like to get to the same principle and call it "images in action".

I supposed I may have to use photoshop to adjust and make the pictures to look better. Has anyone tried exporting pictures from an AVCHD file with Photoshop ?


Chris Adeyefa
February 14th, 2011, 09:13 AM
If you are using CS5 Premiere Pro has an "Export Still" button on the Main viewing window. The button is in the shape of a camera icon. You can pause playback anywhere in the Video and export an image in any format you like.

If what your reffering to is being able to save the entire movie clip into a sequence of images. That can also be done by exporting the clip as Tiff or Targa sequence.

Gregory Barringer
February 20th, 2011, 07:41 AM
Final Cut Pro does it. You can export .jpeg and .TIFF