View Full Version : Anyone try Nikon D7000 for weddings?

Victor Boyko
March 7th, 2011, 09:54 AM
Hey guys. I think the Nikon D7000 is comparble to the NIkon 7D and am wondering if anyone has used these cameras for any wedding shoots. The only drawback that I can find to the Nikon D7000 atm is that it doesnt shoot higher than 24fps in 1920 pixel resolution. Otherwise, I find it extremely inexpensive and revolutionary (AF movie mode, etc). I would save a ton of money rather than trying to get a 5d mark ii. What do you guys think?

Dror Levi
March 7th, 2011, 03:19 PM
I have use the Nikon, and the biggest drawback for me is not to be able to change F stop without getting off video mode.
I have the 7D, and to my kind of work it is a better camera.