View Full Version : D7000 videos (progressive) conformed with interlaced material

Marcus Martell
March 17th, 2011, 11:00 AM
Hola guys,
did u ever tryed to conform progressive videos from D7000 with interlaced HDV 50i videos?
Wondering how to do


John Wiley
March 18th, 2011, 01:04 AM
What you need to do is apply a 3:2 pulldown (assuming you shot the D7000 footage at full 1080p24).

Several programs do this including AE and Compressor. Basically what it does is split the frames up into fields and then arrange them in a certain sequence (where some get repeated) which allows it to fit into a 60i stream. I don't have a more comprehensive list of software which will do this as I'm in PAL land where this is never a problem.

This method is exactly what they use in order to play movies mastered on film on NTSC television sets. So if you've ever watched a movie on TV, then you'll know that the final result is just about imperceptable.

Marcus Martell
March 18th, 2011, 04:31 AM
Wait my friend,
i'm in Pal land too.
i got:
Shots from sony fx1 -1080 -50i
Shots from d7000 -1080 25p


John Wiley
March 20th, 2011, 03:34 AM
Well that makes things much simpler...

Simply re-interpret the footage to 25p. Easy to do in Adobe Premiere (right click on clips in bin > Interpret footage > assume this frame rate; then change it from 24 to 25). In FCP you can use Cinema Tools to do the same thing. Not sure about other programs though.

Then you can drop it straight onto a 50i timeline and mix it with your HDV footage.

Marcus Martell
April 10th, 2011, 01:59 AM
thx John, unfortunately i'm a Vegas man......
Do u know if out there is there anything free that could do this job for me?

Marcus Martell
April 10th, 2011, 03:54 AM
thx John, unfortunately i'm a Vegas man......
Do u know if out there is there anything free that could do this job for me?