View Full Version : Demo Question - CC/Grading

Kevin McRoberts
March 25th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Simple enough question (maybe)

As I'm putting together my new cam op demo reel (mostly reality, interviews, scenery, b-roll, no narrative), should I bother to grade and color-correct the footage, or do you reckon I'd get points in somebody's book for showing "video sashimi?"

Andy Graham
March 25th, 2011, 05:56 PM
you're assuming the client knows the difference between graded and ungraded, experienced people will but there will be some who just see whats on the screen and don't know it can be changed. Personally id grade it, You can always show the ungraded version if a more experienced person asks for it.

Kevin McRoberts
March 27th, 2011, 04:43 PM
While I've got the thread up already...

I'd love some comments, suggestions, insults, accolades, or whatever on my preliminary reel. Already changed my mind on quite a few shots, but would love the input.

Kevin McRoberts Demo Reel - 2011 on Vimeo

Kevin McRoberts
March 30th, 2011, 11:24 AM
As an incentive, I'll give away a free hand-carved mahogany elephant (not life-sized) to one lucky critic.

Really looking to get better here...
