View Full Version : Viewfinder warning for XF300/305 owners

Vincent Oliver
April 10th, 2011, 04:32 PM
After a filming session on the South bank I noticed some yellow marks in the viewfinder, I couldn't work out what these were and have lived with them for a while. Today I was shooting some outdoor location work and removed the eye-piece to clean out some dust. On replacing the eye-piece I noticed that my viewfinder had gained more yellow marks.

I was very puzzled by this, having never seen it before on other cameras. On further research I see that this is a common problem with some Canon cameras, I did a Google search which revealed other users have had the same problem. The viewfinder screen can become fried in sunlight.

Now this poses a problem for me, as I didn't expose the viewfinder to direct sunlight. However, I do wear glasses and I am thinking that maybe my glasses lens my have reflected sunlight into the viewfinder.

Any thoughts on this?

Users of the XF300/305 be warned this could happen to your viewfinder or LCD screen.

Vincent Oliver
April 10th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Here is a shot of the viewfinder screen as mentioned in my previous post. The yellow marks do not appear on the footage or on the flipout LCD screen, only in the viewfinder.

Shot was made with the lens cap on for clarity.

Nigel Barker
April 11th, 2011, 12:18 AM
Why blame your actions that may or may not have caused a problem? You should get this fixed under warranty.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
April 11th, 2011, 02:36 AM
I've had the same problem - and, yes, I do wear glasses, but I don't think that was the cause...
I aim to get the camera back to Canon in Elstree soon, and I don't expect to have to pay for it - it should certainly be fixed under warranty. After that, I will be sealing the eye-cup when not in use.

Vincent Oliver
April 11th, 2011, 02:43 AM
From waht I am reading here and on other forums, it would seem like the cameras have a major flaw. I know we have to make the effort to keep the viewfinder protected from sunlight, but even after all care has been taken, that a viewfinder should suffer this much damage is in my opinion unacceptable.

I will contact Canon and see if they will also fix this for me.

I am still convinced that sunlight reflected from my glasses has caused the problem.

Hands up all those who wear glasses and have had this problem, and other hand up if you don't wear glasses and have had the problem. Will be interesting to know the results.

Nigel Barker
April 11th, 2011, 03:58 AM
I will contact Canon and see if they will also fix this for me. When you contact Canon your attitude should be that the camera has developed a fault & that you expect it to be fixed ASAP not that they are doing you a favour & hope that they will fix it.

Lou Bruno
April 11th, 2011, 06:59 AM
I had the same problem. There is something wrong here and they know it.

See this post for the "cure" which is silly: