View Full Version : Call of Duty Black Ops Car Camera

George Wilkins
April 24th, 2011, 08:03 PM
My son's Grandpa bought him a Call of Duty, Black Ops Prestige Edition Package. In addition to the video game and metal badge it also came with a remote control car. And, not just any remote control car. This one has a tiny camera built in the car's front end and sends the video signal back to the remote control and onto its LCD screen. The camera is really pretty good and the little LCD screen on the remote control is also pretty decent. Oh, and it also sends audio back to the controller as well. Too funny. For what it is, its fairly impressive.

I think we might see guys tearing these cars and remote control units apart to use for other situations. With no outputs, the only thing missing, is a way to record video and audio.

I just need to make sure I keep the car out of our bedroom and bathroom. LOL.

Chris Hurd
April 24th, 2011, 09:27 PM
Pics! Or video. Don't tease us with text... heh.

Bob Hart
April 24th, 2011, 10:31 PM
I just know it. Sooner or later some kid is going to send one of these things down a rabbit hole or fox warren with an LED light on it or a little piezo alarm on it to wake up a groundhog for an early weather forecast.