View Full Version : Noob GH2 -> Cineform Question

Matthew Roddy
May 19th, 2011, 05:20 PM
I've had my GH2 for a few weeks now.
I see there are a few here that use Cineform.
Have had Cineform for many, many years. NeoScene, presently (NeoHD some day, maybe).

How does one "capture/convert" the files our GH2 makes?
Last night, I had to toss the footage onto my Vegas timeline, then render each clip out.
Not a BAD solution, since we can then render only the footage we need (saving time and HDD space), but it's not as fast as just batch rendering a folder.

Thanks for any advice and ideas!

Jim Snow
May 19th, 2011, 05:34 PM
HD Link which comes with Cineform Neo is a conversion utility. It's well worth the upgrade from Neoscene. There is more info here:

Cineform Neo4K : First Light (

Matthew Roddy
May 19th, 2011, 05:39 PM
So HDLink that comes with NeoScene (I think I'm on the most recent) won't recognize the files. I have to go the route I'm currently working from.
Bummer, that.
Vegas will render to the Cineform codec (I think it's 6.?), but NeoScene isn't directly compatible?

Well, thanks much for the Reply. Saves me from doing more searching. I appreciate it.

Edit: I just read the link you sent. Thanks for that. But it sounds like I have no need for NeoHD. I am happy with the Cineform files my NeoScene gave me.
When I had a 5Dm2, HDLink made niftly AVI files for me with no problem. But the files out of my GH2 just won't fly there.
And for years I've been "begging" Cineform to make a utility that will help trim the clips before converting them. Canon made an ap for FCP. The "Log and Transfer" utility on FCP is perfect: dump all your raw footage in a folder. Then convert only the files and parts of those files you want. Perfect.
Problem is, I use FCP at work, and Vegas and/or Premier (w/AE) at home. I would love a utility like Log and Transfer for my PC and Cineform.
But I guess that's an issue for the Cineform forums.


Jim Snow
May 19th, 2011, 05:43 PM
Matthew, it's possible that it may support it. I upgraded from Neoscene quite some time ago and things may have changed. I suggest you go over to the Cineform thread and ask.

Jeff Harper
May 20th, 2011, 05:48 AM
Matthew, plain Cineform will work for GH2 files, I've used it. The problem I have is there are no resizing options in Cineform. With HD link (as it comes in NeoScene HD) you do have many more options for resizing.

But the good news is that your program "should" work with the files, you just have to figure out what the bug is. As I said, it can and does work, it's just not working for you for some reason.

Matthew Roddy
May 20th, 2011, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the info.

I'll put in a "ticket" with Cineform.

Thanks again.