View Full Version : Interlaced Cineform files in Sony Vegas 11

Kim Fong
November 1st, 2011, 06:36 AM
I am using Cineform Neoscene files in Sony Vegas 11. My files were 1080-50i converted into cineform with the option (maintain source frame format) set. Once I import them into vegas pro, I noticed they were detected as progressive format. At first I didn't notice that and was wondering why my videos rendered out always have interlacing lines no matter what project properties I set. When I explored the individual clip properties on my timeline, I noticed they were all set to progressive. For some reason, Sony Vegas is detecting all my interlaced Cineform files as progressive even though they are still interlaced at 50i. Changing them back to interlace (upper field first) solved my problem.

I am not sure if this is Sony's or Cineform's error, but individually changing every clip's media properties is hard work. Can something be done?

David Newman
November 1st, 2011, 05:15 PM
Info for switching Vegas intepretation of AVIs between progressive and interlaced (and vise versa.)

Kim Fong
November 2nd, 2011, 03:48 AM
But strange! In fact I am experiencing the direct opposite in my process. I am importing interlaced 1080-50i Cineform files into Vegas and they get mistaken as Progressive. So I assume now I have to click the save setting under Media Properties to set all subsequent imports as Upper field first?

Thank you David!!