View Full Version : First attempt at a short, Runner teaser.

Andrew Parker
February 27th, 2012, 03:48 PM
This is a teaser of 'Runner' a first attempt at making a short movie, me and my son, it's about a Runner/jogger who encounters strange happenings while out in the woods. We used a Sony HXR NX5e and Panasonic SD60, edit is black and white we liked the contrast of the snow against the background, but what do we know? Problem is we've made so many mistakes we have over 3 hours of footage and more to do, (if it snows again) so it could be the worlds longest short.
Comments welcome about anything, it's a steep learning curve but enjoyable.

Have copied url and pasted so hope it works.

Runner short movie teaser
Runner short movie teaser on Vimeo