View Full Version : Sony HDR-PJ760

Bruce Simpson
May 28th, 2012, 03:23 AM
I've got my hands one one of these camcorders at present and am evaluating/reviewing it for my specific area of activity -- which is filming RC model airplanes plus some indoor "to camera" production stuff.

Some aspects are very good -- some not so good.

Surprisingly, some of the features I thought would be brilliant for my work are exactly the opposite but the camera does shine in a number of other areas.

I looked for some good objective reviews on this model but, perhaps because it's relatively new, there's virtually nothing apart from the "gee whiz - it has a tilting eyeball and inbuilt projector" videos that don't really do much more than scratch the surface.

If anyone's interested, I'll post a link to my full review when it's done.

Mike Burgess
June 7th, 2012, 02:08 PM
Yes, see other post.

Mike Burgess
June 7th, 2012, 02:12 PM
Yes, please do. I would be interested in what you have done and observed with this cam. For instance:

1. How is the zoom, both optical and extended? Because it is so wide, does it really zoom up as much as 17x, or does it seem more like 11x?
2. How is it in low light? Really! Like a night scene with only some street lights around, or maybe at or just after sunset. How about an average lighted room in the evening (one or two indoor table lamps on).
3. Try various scene selections, to see how accurate they can capture the real colors of your subject.
4. Autofocus. How much has it improved?
5. Subject tracking (for lack of a better title). How well does the cam follow the selected subject and keep it in focus; especially if the subject is coming towards you or away from you at a moderate pace?
6. Sound quality. How good are the microphones?
7. What have you liked the best, and disliked the most?

I use my SR11 to record real trains from around the country, and need good video quality and sound quality. As you can imagine, you get one shot at getting a good video of a train as it passes by you, so I need a camcorder that works well and accurately, even in the auto mode.
