View Full Version : Leica 25mm 1.4

Mike Leah
June 26th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Am I missing anything by not having this lens? I have the 20mm 1.7 and love it i mostly do video and I've seen some good footage from clips of the 25.

Chip Thome
June 26th, 2012, 07:25 PM
It's 50mm as of against being 40mm (equivalents). The 25 is just as sharp, a hint faster but focuses far better. Everything quirky about the 20 isn't with the 25 and the 25 looks like a real camera lens IMO. Right now the 25 is out of stock almost everywhere, I think, as is the 20.

Jeff Hinson
June 27th, 2012, 02:32 AM
I have the 25mm and really like it. It stays on the GH2 for most stills and video. For my needs, the kit 14-140mm and 25mm do the job. I also have the XA10 video cam.

Jeff Harper
June 27th, 2012, 05:28 AM
I strongly prefer the 25mm. It does focus faster, is F/1.4. vs F/1.7, it has a truer color rendition (IMO) and it looks like a real lens. I'm not a fan of the pancake look for paid work. It also comes with a lens hood which is nice. 20mm is a nice lens for sure. If you're happy with the 20mm you don't need the 25mm, but if you got it you might be pleased that you did.

Mike Leah
June 27th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Yeah you can't go wrong with either lens in my opInion.i think the 25 looks a little warmer but I havent tested it yet so I can't say for sure and my eyes aren't what they used to be. I think presbyopia just hit.

I could happily shoot a feature on either lens if that's all I had.

Thomas Smet
June 27th, 2012, 03:15 PM
Honestly both are great lenses and you will see great footage from both. I will only consider moving to the 25mm if I sold my 20mm which I doubt I will do anytime soon. Yes I would like a lens that is easier to focus with but really it isn't a deal breaker for me. I'm at the point where in certain situations no auto focus is good enough for me so if I were to go to a new wide lens it would be a better full manual lens as an alternative. A step less aperture and smooth focus ring really are worth their weight in gold if you prefer that type of lens and will beat an auto system any day once you know what you are doing.

For me if I didn't already have one it would be a tougher decision worth a good debate but if you already have one personally I would stick with what you got unless you plan on selling your 20mm.

I just bought a lens hood on Amazon for my 20mm that works great. It helps make the 20mm look a little bit more like a normal lens and helps prevent my fingers getting in the shot when I try to focus. It screws in the front threads so you can't use the lens cap but other then that it works great.