View Full Version : 1st timer: Chicago dup services?

Andrew J Morin
July 1st, 2012, 09:02 PM
I've got a project to deliver end of this month, 125 DVDs of a kids' dance recital I shot and cut and whatnot. Any of you Midwest-area folks have a go-to duplication shop?

I've got quote requests in to:

Chicago Web Design, Chicago Website Design, Website Design, Chicago eCommerce, Interactive CD ROM, Website Hosting (
Contact Us: iDEA Media-CD/DVD Replication & Duplication Service Providers (

Many others that I found through Google had the word "Chicago" all over their web-sites, but their phones were area-coded in other places...I'd prefer a place that: a. doesn't play that game, and b. is actually local so I could make a pick-up if the deadline gets tight.

Apologies if this is considered inaproriately commercial information seeking, and I'lI gladly withdraw the question.