View Full Version : Matching 5DM3 and T2i

Jim Newberry
July 27th, 2012, 02:39 PM
I was having trouble matching video from these 2 cameras; one problem I noticed is the LCD on the T2i isn't the greatest, and the exposure looked quite a bit different than the 5DM3 even though they were at the same f stop, shutter speed, and ISO. In post the exposures did look very close when set on the same exposure settings. Another issue is with white balance--as far as I can tell you can't set the WB of the T2i via Kelvin numbers, right? I tried shooting a gray card and doing custom WB for both cameras, but the T2i looks a little different. I know I shouldn't expect these 2 cameras to look identical, but if anyone has any tips (picture style settings, WB, etc) on matching the picture I'd appreciate it. Or if you know of any threads/sites/etc discussing matching video shot with different cameras.

Victor Nguyen
July 30th, 2012, 03:40 AM
with magic lantern you can set the kelvin. Have you try to check the picture style? I have use both 5d and t2i and I never found it hard to match the footage. Your last resort is to use cinestyle and grade both to match.

Jim Newberry
July 30th, 2012, 11:38 AM
Yeah, picture style settings were exactly the same. I'll prob give Magic Lantern a try.

John Carroll
July 30th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I probably would not have expected them to match perfectly and would count on getting a more precise match in post. If you shoot a gray card with both cameras, you should be able to match them up nicely in post.

Is that an option for you?

Jim Newberry
July 30th, 2012, 11:55 AM
Yes, I can do that.

Chris Barcellos
July 30th, 2012, 12:03 PM
I would normally try to set my 5d2 to one of the presets, and match that on the t2i (sunlight, shade, incadescent, etc.) You would expect Canon cameras to be using the same Kelvin settings for those presets.

But lenses also present a cast- especially vintage lens and if you have that as an issue, custom white card reading is what I go to.

John Carroll
July 30th, 2012, 01:30 PM
I'll be shooting with a 5DM3 and a 60D later this month and just assumed most of the heavy lifting regarding matching footage would have to happen in post. They'll both be dialed in as closely as the available settings will allow, and quality "L" glass on both, so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue!