View Full Version : Wireless File Transfer with 5D Mark III

Maurice Covington
October 30th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Does anyone know the most effective way to wirelessly transmit files from the Canon 5D Mark III to a MacBook computer or other. When taking portrait style photos, it seems that it is much faster to print images if I can find a way to transmit them directly to my laptop allowing my assistant to print the photos.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Nigel Barker
October 31st, 2012, 03:18 AM
There are two or three different solutions. The Canon approved way is to wirelessly tether using the very expensive Canon WFT-E7B Wireless Transmitter. The cheaper way is to use an Eye-Fi WiFi SD card. I have had good results using an 8GB Eye-Fi Pro X2 tethered to an iPad running the ShutterSnitch app.

Finally a more ingenious if odd-ball solution is to fit a Raspberry Pi single board computer with a WiFi dongle into a battery grip as described here Camera Pi – DSLR Camera with Embedded Computer (

Maurice Covington
October 31st, 2012, 11:31 AM
Thanks Nigel. This information helps. I saw the pricing to the Canon transmitter@ about $850.00. I comparison to what Nikon offers it's customers, this is ridiculous. I will research the Eye Fi card to see if this will work for me.