View Full Version : Perches and Pathways - Feedback Thread

LeRoy Gunderson
January 2nd, 2013, 06:52 AM
This turned out to be more of a challenge than I thought. Generating an idea then building a film around it in a limited amount of time was really interesting.

Most of the shots in the film were from my backyard. There are always squirrels running through the trees but until about mid December there were only doves for examples of birds. Finally some of our more common birds began to drift back into the area so I was able to get a few shots of them also.

After viewing the other contestants videos I see where I could have made some improvements on mine. But then for me this is a learning experience which has already taught me a lot.

Thanks to everyone for viewing my film and I look forward to the next challenge.

Kevin Railsback
January 2nd, 2013, 08:03 PM
Hey LeRoy,

First of all, congrats on finishing! This challenge sent a lot of established challenge shooters to the sidelines.
You should feel pretty proud to come into a challenge with a tough theme and submit a film.

I was thinking of doing a film along the same lines as yours but we really have diddly squat here in Iowa until the snow fell. Now that we have snow, it would have been a lot easier.

Nice voiceover and your film took me along for your story.

I'm curious where you thought you would have improved the film?

UWOL and DVC is a great way to learn to be a better filmmaker. Lots of talent here.

Congrats again on your film. I enjoyed it!

Lorinda Norton
January 3rd, 2013, 02:31 AM
LeRoy, that was a lovely piece! Are you a voiceover artist? I found myself smiling throughout—such a peaceful narrative and pleasant images that went so well with the music you chose. *sigh* I think I’ll go back and watch it again. Thank you for joining us this round! I hope you will continue to bless us with your work in the challenges to come!

Trond Saetre
January 3rd, 2013, 06:04 AM
Hello LeRoy,

Welcome to the UWOL/DVC gangs. It was a pleasure to watch your entry.
You have a good story and it is very easy to understand your voiceover.

I look forward to see your future films. Stay with us!

You mention improvements you could have done.
If I could suggest one tiny detail: I would have cut away the last second or so, and just faded the insect to black. Now you had a sudden camera movement as the last images.

Well done!

LeRoy Gunderson
January 3rd, 2013, 06:43 AM
Thanks to everyone for all the kind words. I am really looking forward to the next one.

Kevin: The one thing that really stands out that I would change is the abrupt ending that really should have been corrected before I uploaded the film.

Lorinda: No, I have never done voiceover work of any kind. I am glad you enjoyed watching my film.

Trond: Thanks so much for the encouragement. You are right about the ending. I wish I would have caught it before uploading. I guess I will put that in the "Lesson Learned" category.

Paul Wood
January 4th, 2013, 04:13 AM

I though your voiceover and choice of music fitted exactly the relaxing mood of your film - very well done - my only comment would be to use a short dissolve between the first few shots, I found the transitions just a little jarring compared with the music and words calmness.

Welcome to the challenge, and looking forward to more entries from you!

Toni Dolce
January 4th, 2013, 05:54 PM

I enjoyed you film very much! I really enjoyed the squirrel shots and the close-up of the butterfly. Did you use a different camera for the butterfly shot?
Also, I enjoyed the music selection.


LeRoy Gunderson
January 4th, 2013, 09:01 PM
Thanks for the kind words Toni. Yes, most of the film was shot with a Canon 7D but one of the birds (sparrow) and the butterfly were shot with a Sony FX7.

Marj Atkins
January 5th, 2013, 07:05 AM
Wow Leroy, what a beautiful little piece. It has such a professional feel to it - from the titles, the quality of images to your excellent voice over! The music and your narration remind me of some of Walt Disney’s nature films.

I hope that you will join UWOL – really look forward to seeing more of your films!

Bill Thesken
January 8th, 2013, 12:37 AM
National Geographic Presents: LeRoy Gunderson
Seriously, that is what I was thinking as I was watching this show.
What a voice, and by the way the photography was outstanding.

LeRoy Gunderson
January 9th, 2013, 01:36 PM
Thanks Bill. You have no idea what all the kind words about my first attempt at submitting something to be judged means to me.

I am truly inspired and ready for the next one.

Thanks Again!

Kevin Railsback
January 9th, 2013, 01:46 PM
We should be having a UWOL challenge here pretty soon. Make sure you sign up for that one!

Dale Guthormsen
January 20th, 2013, 05:36 PM

I enjoyed your film, while you felt it needed improving, as everything you always do will as that is what makes us better, it was a pleasure to watch.

Kevin is right get in on the next UWOL!!!

LeRoy Gunderson
January 21st, 2013, 03:51 PM
Thanks Dale.
I plan to enter the next one if I don't miss the sign-up window.