View Full Version : clever way of mounting Sound Devices 302 mixer with camera/tripod?

Josh Bass
February 10th, 2013, 11:49 PM
So I recently acquired a Sound Devices 302 mixer. Since I am not a sound guy, this was with the intent of using it on gigs where I am also the cameraman. This has occasionally come up before, but I'm wondering if anyone in the same situation has come up with a clever solution to mounting the mixer to make it easily accessible while operating with a tripod?

"Bass, you dumbsnot, the Mixpre-D is made to do EXACTLY that!!!!! Why didn't you just get one of those? UGH! You're so stupid!!!! I mean seriously, why do they even let you leave the house?"

I was all about the Mixpre-D. . .then Sound Devices had a significant price bump to all their gear, and now a new Mixpre-D is about in line with the cost of a used 302, more if you add on the mounting bracket on the -D. Also, I just know there was going to be that time when I would be like "damn, if I only had the 302 I could do [insert feature missing from Mixpre-D here]. Like the extra channels or something. So I got a used 302.

Anyway, not looking for pricey solutions like a Bogen magic arm or something, something simpler, cheaper. Anyone know of a way to mount thing thing close to the cam on the tripod? Mine came with a Petrol bag (albeit, minus the strap!). My idea right now is to get a strap, and simply wrap it a few times and let it hang off the tripod. Not perfect, but should work.

Terry Martin
February 11th, 2013, 01:28 AM
I use an 788T for audio recording, and found that the best mounting solution is indeed suspending it under the tripod. Out of the way, and easy to monitor the level meters.

Josh Bass
February 11th, 2013, 01:36 AM
What's your suspension method? I should've mentioned I have the Sachtler DV4 (little tripod, rated for 11 pounds or so), so not one of those big monster tripods. It doesn't have the hook underneath like some larger tripods do.

Chris Medico
February 11th, 2013, 06:27 AM
Have you ever looked at RAM Mounts??

RAM Mounting Systems, Inc. (

All kinds of different parts you can mix and match to mount things to just about anything. Its a bit heavy to use to build a hand held rig but on a tripod this stuff would hold your mixer solid. Much less expensive than the magic arms.

Josh Bass
February 11th, 2013, 02:24 PM
Thanks! I'll take a look. Hopefully I'll never need to use this thing for handheld work. That sounds like it would be. . .awkward.

Tom Morrow
February 13th, 2013, 03:16 AM
I used a camera strap on my mixpre, wrapped around the head a few times to support it right under the camera. Maybe some gaffer tape to steady it.

Josh Bass
February 13th, 2013, 04:22 AM
I thought I read the mixpre supports that mounting bracket that's made for the new one? And someone more enterprising than myself could simply drill the "screw hole" in the bottom. Then you've got yourself a camera mountable device!

Yes, I might do the strap thing. I emailed the Rammount people about their recommended rig for what I'm trying to do, 'cause there're so many components on the site I didn't know where to begin. We''ll see what they say and how much their solution costs.

Tom Morrow
February 20th, 2013, 12:19 AM
I took apart my mixpre to see about trying to mount a bracket on the side with screws, and decided there wasn't enough space inside to do it securely.

Joe Garrick
March 10th, 2013, 12:32 PM
If you haven't already solved this with something more elegant, just clip an old camera neck strap to the SD302 (the new ones at least have a couple of slots where you can clip in or work on a key ring), drop the strap over your tripod head, and drop the device between two legs. I used to do this all the time with the battery pack for a Lumedyne flash. It was reasonably balanced and if you ever needed to go handheld you could pick it up and throw the strap over your shoulder in seconds.

Josh Bass
March 10th, 2013, 03:27 PM
Yeah, that was my money saving idea for now, except I will use the strap on the actual mixer bag, unless there's some issue with that.