View Full Version : The Shoot Out

David Rice
February 28th, 2013, 12:12 PM
We are about 30 days away from the Annual Sitka Sound Sac Roe Herring Fishery in Alaska. Hundreds of boats and fishermen will be participating in this years fishery. This video is a sample of the events to come. "A Shoot Out" takes place when the Herring Fishery opens, and the Seine Boats begin dropping their nets. This is a fun time to be filming in Southeast Alaska. The Sitka Alaska "Group" on the Vimeo web site has additional video from Southeast Alaska.

The Shoot Out
Filmed 2011 with a Canon A1

The Shoot Out on Vimeo

Alan Melville
March 4th, 2013, 03:13 AM

Explain to this dumb Aussie!, what the hell is a "Shoot out" is it a comp to see who can drop and recover their nets the fastest or am I way off the mark?

Nice footage BTW.
