View Full Version : PXW-X70 Picture Profile settings + matching other cameras?

Todd Mizomi
October 15th, 2014, 06:01 AM
Just got the Sony X70 in last week and still getting used to it (coming from a Canon XF100/XA10 combo).

For those of you who are using the X70, have you played around with the picture profile settings yet and are there any settings you prefer? My Canon XF100 didn't really look that great out of the box (lot of noise) and had to tweak the picture profile settings a lot.

Also, any recommendations for things like max gain, matching with other cameras like the A7s or RX10?

David Dixon
October 15th, 2014, 06:28 AM
I assume you've read the other threads here on dvinfo about the AX100/CX900/X70 - there are a few suggestions out there. Also there are now more YouTube samples, some of which post the adjustments they've made. In another thread in this forum Paul Anderegg is doing some extensive color adjustments using a vectorscope that might be of interest to you.

I have a question for you - I also have the XF100 and am considering finally upgrading it to the X70. I do extensive custom picture settings. I mainly shoot very flat and then adjust everything in post. I'm considering the X70 so that I can continue to do that, and plan to at least start out with similar settings to what I like on the XF.

I'm also hoping that compared to the XF100 it will be a bit sharper, a bit better in low light, able to use a bit more gain before getting too noisy, and due to the 1" sensor a bit easier to get shallower depth of field when desired. Are you finding those areas improved over the XF100???

I'm also hoping that the 4K upgrade will bring it up to at least the level of the AX100 4K, and also add back the 720p120 option of the AX100. And I think I would love the touchscreen manual focus :-)

Todd Mizomi
October 15th, 2014, 05:56 PM
Depth of field much better on the X70 than the XF100, that 1 inch sensor really helps. Picture looks much clearer too. As far as gain/ noise, still experimenting to see how far I can push it. There's one really dark church here on Maui that I shoot at a lot for weddings and the XF100 has always had trouble with it. I haven't had the chance to try out the X70 in that church yet, but I'm hoping it will be better. If it works out, I'm selling my XF100 and XA10 and either picking up a second X70 or an A7s

Paul Anderegg
November 18th, 2014, 02:20 AM
Todd, the color matrix with the best and most accurate vectorscope image is the "STILL" version. It's not perfect, but it's the best starting point, and it is the best matrix to do adjustments too, as color correction menu selections only allow altering 2 colors, so you want as many of them as accurate as possible from the start.
