View Full Version : How to colour correct this-advice please?

Brian Manning
March 26th, 2015, 06:29 AM

Hi guys, I filmed with 2 different cameras but my main camera came out all blown out and saturated. Ive tried everything but cant get it to match with camera 2 at all.

In this 5 second clip you first see the decent footage then the blown out footage.

Im using adobe creative suite. Any idea how to get it to match a bit closer to the decent footage.


Noa Put
March 26th, 2015, 06:55 AM
I"m no colorcorrection specialist but the closest I could get them was this: (if you want the image I uploaded here removed afterwards, pls let me know, I"ll report this to admin to remove it.)

Christopher Young
March 26th, 2015, 08:45 AM
Same here no major CC expert but I think it's salvageable enough to get you out of trouble. Did this in Vegas so I would imagine you could achieve much the same in Adobe. Do you know any local experienced Premiere editors?

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Noa Put
March 26th, 2015, 08:51 AM
That even looks better

Christopher Young
March 26th, 2015, 09:06 AM
Well thank you there Noa. On reflection I think I could have done better on the blue suit. Hope the OP has some luck with it because it not a nice situation to be stuck in is it!

Chris Young
CYV Productions

James Manford
March 26th, 2015, 12:45 PM
Brian what do you mean by "tried everything" ???

Christopher and Noa look like they've fixed the problem within minutes ...

Brian Manning
March 31st, 2015, 02:51 AM
Hey guys, apologies for my late reply, I've been off sick.

Thanks a million for taking a look at this.

I guess what I meant by trying everything(a bit melodramatic I was)
was I tried the usual levels and 3-way colour corrector etc. but Its been a while since Ive colour-corrected and I seem to have lost those skills-I just couldnt get the same effect that the 2 other guys got.

Which colour correction effects did you guys employ? Ill give it another shot.

Brian Manning
March 31st, 2015, 08:02 AM
Hey guys,

thanks for the help. I think I nailed it after a lot more messing around with a mix of the fast colour corrector/color balance/levels.

My trouble is I do web work for a few months, then video stuff for a few months then graphic design for a few months and it takes me a while to get back to speed with each area of design and get my skills back.

e.g. in this instance-I blew out the footage by having no ND filter(or I couldnt fiodn the option on hte camera on the day of shooting cos I hadnt touched the camera for months.

Take care,