View Full Version : Avchd vs. MP4 on c100 mk2

Arthur Abramov
August 29th, 2015, 01:35 PM
Just wanted to get an advice from experienced shooters.

What is the real difference between shooting 28mb avchd and 24 mp4.? I understand the different compression, but bottom line: which should i shoot events on? I anyway shoot on c-log.

Gary Huff
August 29th, 2015, 04:16 PM
28Mbps is only for 60p.

Seth Bloombaum
August 30th, 2015, 11:02 AM
You should also check various camera codecs through your NLE. Sometimes an NLE will like one camera codec just fine, but require prerendering of another for timeline view. Which is a small pain that accumulates quickly into a large one!

Edit: As Gary H points out in this post, ( it's an oversimplification to refer to AVCHD and MP4 as different codecs. They are in fact different wrappers for implementations of h.264 codecs. However, my point stands. In my personal experience, NLEs sometimes treat these different file types/wrappers differently. With substantial effects on workflow.