View Full Version : Testing out C-Mount Lens on my GH4

Josh Hayes
June 16th, 2016, 05:04 PM
Hi folks, two questions.

Several months ago at a conference I was filming another camera op and I were bullshitting and he was talking up C-Mount lenses. He said they're insanely cheap because their just CCTV lenses, while they're not great quality they're pretty good and they're fast and wide as well (I ordered a bonkers F1.6 & 3.6mm lens). I've seen some tests on Youtube as well. Now I'm just waiting on the the C Mount to Micro4/3 adapter to come in tomorrow to test.

1. Has anybody shot on the GH3 or Gh4 with C-Mount lenses? If so what did you think?

2. The lens I purchased didn't come from a lens cap or a rear cover. Usually when that happens a quick Amazon search yields the parts but for C-Mount lenses I don't know if the lens size is uniform, or if not. So when I see "Contax Yashika front and rear caps" or "DSLRKIT Black Metal C mount Rear Lens Cap" I don't know if they will work. Anyone else know?

Ken Plotin
June 17th, 2016, 03:12 PM
C mount lenses are definitely not "just CCTV" lenses. Several manufacturers made superb C mount glass back in the day. Angeniuex & Bolex (Switar) primes come to mind. You'll be lucky to find some of those.
The rear C mount threads all take the same screw on rear cap. Front filter sizes and caps may vary between manufacturers.

Just curious: Does the image circle from adaptor you mention cover the whole M4/3 sensor?


Josh Hayes
June 17th, 2016, 04:56 PM
That's super interesting, I didn't know any of that. I think the cheap stuff I'm seeing is just the CCTV stuff but I'll keep a look out know for the higher quality lenses.

Adapter was supposed to come in today, and it didn't so I'm assuming tomorrow. Once I get it, I'll shoot a little test footage and post a link here!

p.s. think for the heads up on the rear cap and such.

John C. Chu
June 18th, 2016, 04:50 AM
I have seen a bunch of videos from this user Gan Eden Media on Vimeo:

I might have to investigate some of them for my Panasonic G7.

Josh Hayes
July 12th, 2016, 12:26 PM
Hi Ken. Sorry for the late response. Went on vacation for a week and most of it was off the grid.

No for the 8mm it doesn't even come close. The image is a giant circle so pretty much unusuable, ha ha. Not sure if there's something to fix that. I think an extender would do the opposite, not sure.

Josh Hayes
July 12th, 2016, 12:28 PM
John, thanks for the link. There's good stuff there for sure.