View Full Version : Yellowstone

Rudy Wilms
December 31st, 2017, 10:59 AM
Hi guys here my last video of the year "YELLOWSTONE" a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Yellowstone on Vimeo

Ray Dunakin
December 31st, 2017, 07:53 PM
Awesome! Great music too.

Tim Lewis
December 31st, 2017, 09:54 PM

Well shot, cut, edited, graded, well just the whole box and dice.

Chuck Spaulding
January 2nd, 2018, 03:30 PM
Ok, Rudy, now your just showing off.. Put a black or double frame in there or a slightly bad camera move etc to give mere mortals something to pick on and feel good about ourselves.

Do people give you grief for using motorized sliders etc in locations like this? Do you have a lot of equipment to schlep in and out of locations? How close do you get to those bears?

The one thing I can take pride in is that I knew you when; when you weren't quite this awesome. I still suck but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Great work.

Rudy Wilms
January 9th, 2018, 09:53 PM
Haha Chuck next time I will make a duplicate video where I include find the ten faults. Slider wasn’t motorized this time I left motor home usually when I travel by plane I just use Kessler traveler slider that fits just in my suitcase 2 backpacks carryon and tripods and slider in checked bags . Yellowstone and Especially Grand Teton is very videographer friendly rangers are super friendly and easygoing. The grizzly was just by side of road only about 30yards some of the black bears in Grand Teton were in tree by side of road I could almost pet him but as soon as rangers arrive they make sure to move to other side of road and with traffic it makes it difficult

Oh yes back in the days when I mostly did video tours if I look back at some of them it makes me laugh at some of the camera movements . I doubt you suck I have seen your work so you don’t fool me.

Ray Dunakin
January 15th, 2018, 12:09 AM
Very awesome!

Alan Melville
February 4th, 2018, 05:38 AM
Hi Rudy,

Beautifully, composed, shot and edited. A credit to you both.
