View Full Version : Go pro clip and save

Tobin Strickland
January 8th, 2019, 12:44 PM
I need a way to trim a go pro clip or mp4 and then save the clip. It needs to be fast. I used to use squared 5 mpeg stream clip but when 64 bit came around they didn't update. I could quickly trim a clip and save it as is without exporting.

Right now I can export a clip out of Premier after I trim in and out but it's just taking time ... I need fast. What are ya'll using?

David Newman
January 8th, 2019, 03:03 PM
If you are comfortable using a shell (command prompt), you can use the free FFMPEG to losslessly trim any MP4 and that is very fast.

Example that extracts 4 seconds of video from the 1 minute mark.

ffmpeg -i GOPR1547.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:01:00 -t 00:00:04 trimmed_video2.mp4

Tobin Strickland
January 8th, 2019, 04:08 PM
no, i'd probably be best using an interface of some sort.

I may have have to fire up hte old computer

Gary Huff
January 8th, 2019, 04:15 PM
I use MP4tools (

Roger Averdahl
January 12th, 2019, 11:05 AM
no, i'd probably be best using an interface of some sort.

I may have have to fire up hte old computer
Try TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 5 - The De Facto Standard in Video Cutting Tools (

It has a interface and it is lightning fast.

Tobin Strickland
January 12th, 2019, 06:34 PM
Arggggg.. the MP4 tools link must be broken. I have a Mac. Anyone else have any options. I roll constantly when I shoot and before saving to hard drive I need to trim my MP4s. thanks for the help guys. I'd even pay for something if I can find it for Mac. Renderer 5 is a desktop pc application but looks good. I'd rather use the mac.. you know ;-)

Tobin Strickland
January 12th, 2019, 09:15 PM
Actually the same site as MP4 tools had a utility called Vid Cutter. It's working well on my Mac.. thanks guys.

Gary Huff
January 12th, 2019, 11:17 PM
Arggggg.. the MP4 tools link must be broken. I have a Mac.

What are you talking about? The link I used works and it's only for a Mac. Let me guess, you didn't click the link in my post, you Googled it?