View Full Version : Game of Thrones coffee cup: accidental or intended?

Andrew Smith
May 8th, 2019, 06:44 AM
Some interesting discussion out there in the interwebs. One person reckons that there is no way that with all the top notch crews, continuity efforts and the eyes that review the finished edit, that the cup could have gotten through unnoticed.

To quote Peter Grant:
Do you really believe that happened "accidentally"? Do you really think that cup happened to "just end up" in the final season of what may be the most popular HBO show ever, in absolutely plain sight - not hidden behind anything, or in a place where it might have been overlooked? Do you think that happened despite all the continuity staff's precautions, the most experienced crews in showbiz, and all the measures against things like that going wrong? I don't see it. In particular, if it was accidental, why have no heads rolled for so egregious an error? Surely those responsible would have been fired?

I'd love to know whether there was a large, unexpected payment from Starbucks to HBO before or after that "accident". Starbucks has received so much "free" publicity from it that the company could afford to pay for the world's most expensive advertisement, and still make a profit . . . The cup has already been digitally removed, but not before Starbucks got the benefit of all that publicity.

Whereas there are legendary stories of stuff that only gets found out when it's too late.

From "Aesop" at
I might even know of an incident where a raccoon tail was shoved up the nostril of a moose head on set, and no one noticed until they'd moved on, and saw it in the background of several shots during dailies the next day, and it was too late to re-shoot the scene, so it's in the final cut, but I ain't saying anything more about it. Maybe the moose snorted a raccoon.

Personally I'm dying to know which show that was. There are other stories on his blog at the above link, and they be worth your time to read.


Pete Cofrancesco
May 8th, 2019, 10:20 AM
I read the books and I can say for certain there was no Starbucks cup in that scene! :-p

As much as I love George RR Martian GOT reminds of when the obscure underground band you’ve been following for years, becomes a pop sensation and everyone including your grandmother is now into them. So yeah I’m getting tired of hearing all the chatter on GOT. I’m beginning to hate what I once loved.

Sounds like they’re digitally removed the cup. I think they should have left it in or digitally added a “westeros” branded coffee mug. Honestly ppl take this stuff too seriously.

Christopher Young
May 9th, 2019, 03:52 AM
The cup is still in the version going to air here in Australia. If post had seen it it would have been a very easy job to Roto out the cup in the two seconds involved. I heard from a reasonable source that it was a cup of herbal tea for Daenerys Targaryen that got overlooked on that take. It happens sometimes. The funniest reference I have seen to it was that years ago in ancient times Ned Stark opened a coffee shop in Winterfell and it was called Starkbucks. Over the years the name evolved to become Starbucks because it rolled of the tongue a bit easier :)

Chris Young

Pete Cofrancesco
May 9th, 2019, 09:10 AM
“Starkbucks” lol

David Barnett
May 9th, 2019, 09:45 AM
I don't watch the show, but imho I think it is possible it slipped thru, although I can buy into the payment conspiracy too (or some form of tit for tat, myb HBO chief wanted to support SB after its owners dismal Presidency campaign announcement gone wrong... heckler shouted "You ego" or something).

Anyway, the cast & crew must sit on the set for hours setting up lighting, aperature & shot blocking etc. Well, actually their stand-ins sit around. Then the real cast comes & re-sits down and minor adjustments are made. It's possible the actress had a SB cup with her as she came in, and was drinking off & one during final setups, and complete oversight left it there. Maybe she noticed afterwards but didn't want to get blamed for needing to shoot the scene over again (prolly takes multiple takes for actors to nail the scene, so it isn't like 1 reshot is needed).

Andrew Smith
August 31st, 2019, 10:33 PM
There has been an update published at

The more pertinent part of the article is:

Weiss then joked, 'That's why I put the coffee cup there,' adding it was a, 'conscious, concerted statement of our imperfection,' as Benioff laughed off the gaffe.

'We were concentrating so much on Daenerys and Jon Snow that we just didn't see this coffee cup right in the middle,' Benioff added.

'So at first I couldn't believe it, and then it was an embarrassment because, 'How did we not see this coffee cup in the middle of the shot?'' he added.

'And then, eventually, it was just funny. This one is just a mistake, and it's kind of funny to us now,' Benioff concluded.
