View Full Version : How to get video out of a XLH1 to HDMI recorder

Evan Platt
August 27th, 2021, 10:08 PM
Hi All,

So I'm looking at getting a XLH1. I currently have a HDMI recorder. Is there a way to get video from the XLH1 to the HDMI recorder?

Looking at the XLH1 manual, there's a HD/DV terminal, looks like 4 pin firewire? But everything I'm reading, there's no way to get firewire to HDMI, they're different signals. And I don't recall a TV ever having a firewire input.

Am I missing something? Is the XLH1 not a good choice for a 'tapeless' camera?

Thanks :)

Evan Platt
August 27th, 2021, 10:38 PM
Background: I have a canon xha1s. I used a Sony HVR-HD1000U that I got cheap with a HDMI portable recorder. So I'd record on the XHA1S (much better quality IMHO) then play back on the HVR as a deck. The deck on the XHA1s died :(

So my options are:
Find a place to repair the XHA1S deck.
Get a firewire recorder ($500 or so, then go tapeless on the XHA1S)
Or I found a REAL good deal on XLH1A with a monitor with SDI out. But bascally all I have is HDMI in.

So wondering what my best option here is :)


Ronald Jackson
August 28th, 2021, 12:45 AM
BNC Cable and the XLHI BNC connections. I used mine with a "Nanoflash" recorder.


Evan Platt
August 28th, 2021, 08:07 AM
Looks like that's not battery operated, right? Would love to be able to go tapeless. :)

Patrick Tracy
August 28th, 2021, 12:47 PM
This will convert SDI to HDMI. It runs on USB power, so one of those USB power banks would probably do the trick.

Don Palomaki
May 22nd, 2022, 10:34 AM
I just tried the following with the component output of a Canon VIXA HV40 HDV camcorder running live camera mode as a $21 solution..


(Quotes added above to suppress the Amazon Logo.)

The converter was powered by an A/C USB power adapter and by a USB battery pack. Capture test was with a BMD Intensity Pro 4K card using Media Express. It worked reasonably well in a casual test and is a small package. However, cable/cord management is probably the biggest issue. However, this does not provide recorder control through the camcorder.
