View Full Version : It was twenty years ago today...

Chris Hurd
September 5th, 2021, 09:59 PM
The forum here at DV Info Net first opened for posting ( exactly twenty years ago today, 05 Sep. 2001.

In some ways it doesn't seem that long ago and in other ways it does.

That first month, I wasn't sure if it had much of a future. For that matter, this past year I didn't know if it had any future at all, but alas here we are. Not going away anytime soon, either!

Vince Pachiano
September 6th, 2021, 09:39 AM
Thank you for your hard work and dedication

Boyd Ostroff
September 6th, 2021, 10:26 AM
Happy anniversary Chris... and long live!!! This is funny though, just yesterday I realized it had been 20 years since I got my first digital video camera.... a Sony VX-2000 purchased during the summer of 2001!

Bob Hart
September 6th, 2021, 10:58 AM
Twenty years. That's time enough for someone to be born and grown up in --- or ---- grow old in.

The various miracles of HDV, the AGUS35, a proposal to make a digital cinema camera out of a Russian cine camera body thence to become the SI2K. Then along came RED, a whole slew of DSLR miracles, Blackmagic Design.

Then after the jolt in the arse by the disrupters, the main players began releasing their own digital cinema cameras and life goes on.

Dvinfo remains a resource I often point people to when they run into a difficulty and venture here myself when I need to know something. I am not old enough to know everything yet and there's no going back to being a teenager who thought he knew everything.

Pete Bauer
September 6th, 2021, 01:59 PM
Happy DV 20th, Chris!
With time comes change; looking forward to seeing what the next 20 years bring.

Doug Jensen
September 6th, 2021, 05:43 PM
Not going away anytime soon, either!

Hi Chris, that is great to hear. Are you planning to be at NAB?

Chris Hurd
September 6th, 2021, 07:37 PM
Are you planning to be at NAB?

Howdy Doug, indeed I am currently planning to be at NAB. See you next month I hope!

Donald McPherson
September 6th, 2021, 11:59 PM
I've been here half of this time. What a great community this is.

Nigel Barker
September 7th, 2021, 02:53 AM
I've been here well over half that twenty years but now I only drop in very few months but I stopped working professionally with video & photography 7-8 years ago & have other things occupying my brain cells nowadays. It's a nice coincidence that Chris should post this yesterday when I haven't popped in for months.

I learned so much in my first few years of membership of this forum. I started with the tail end of HDV but very quickly jumped onto DSLR video. I was pleased to be involved in the excitement & discovery during that couple of years that lead to the democratisation of video until suddenly everyone has a halfway decent 4K video camera in their pocket. This also meant that while the 'proper' pro end of video is still as healthy as ever & possibly even healthier post-pandemic that the retail end that I was involved in ie small business, wedding etc is even more of a struggle than it was ten years ago. Nobody ever wanted to pay the real value of decent video but nw the world & his wife are YouTube influencers it seems that it's valued even less.

I learned lots of technical stuff but also business & creative stuff too. Thank you to everyone who has contributed over the years & while there is a general decline in all use of forum software I really hope that people will continue contributing.

Bob Safay
September 7th, 2021, 04:44 AM
Twenty years. Twenty years of friendships with people I've never met yet feel close to. Twenty years of learning from others and sharing my videos and ideas. Twenty great years, and I've been a member for 19 of those years. Lets keep it rolling. Bob

Doug Jensen
September 7th, 2021, 03:46 PM
Howdy Doug, indeed I am currently planning to be at NAB. See you next month I hope!

Well, we spoke too soon. As you know, Sony just pulled out so I won't be at NAB. Let's start looking forward to 2022.

Allan Black
September 8th, 2021, 03:28 PM
Happy anniversary Chris and the team. In the coming years let’s hope trickle down video technology becomes more economical for us on the ground.


Melvin Feliciano
September 15th, 2021, 08:52 PM
Congratulations!!! We should celebrate it with a new forum look or theme. I've been a member since 2010

Allan Black
September 16th, 2021, 01:53 AM
And congratulations to you on your new computer Melvin.


Melvin Feliciano
September 17th, 2021, 01:58 PM
LoL...I don't know if you say that because I haven't posted anything here in years. To be honest, I thought this forum suffered the same fate as Creative Cow, since I haven't seen any recent news posted on the blog side. I'm glad the forum is still up, but the GUI needs some serious overhaul.😜

Chris Hurd
September 17th, 2021, 05:23 PM
the GUI needs some serious overhaul.��

It's gonna get brand new internals, and it'll look fresh but familiar. There's a whole other thread talking about this. (

Allan Black
October 6th, 2021, 05:11 PM
And it is Chris, on the defunct Panasonic site we had some fun …

Are you concerned no one is reading your posts, are you not eating, losing sleep, then do this. When writing your post, about 3/4 through add in a ) don’t put in a ( just include a ).

Folk will go back looking for the ( and as a result scrutinise and take in your message. Try it works every time.


Andrew Smith
October 7th, 2021, 02:03 AM
See. That's the quality gems of wisdom we come here for.



Don Palomaki
October 7th, 2021, 07:20 AM
As the frog said, "Time's fun when you're having flies!"

Thanks for keeping the site going!

Boyd Ostroff
October 7th, 2021, 09:37 AM
As Groucho Marx said, "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a bananna." :-)

Andrew Smith
October 7th, 2021, 05:51 PM
As Buckaroo Banzai said, "no matter where you go, there you are".



Allan Black
October 10th, 2021, 06:16 PM
And if you use my ) suggestion you might even get some replies.


Allan Black
October 17th, 2021, 09:28 PM
Here’s another ploy you can try. If you’re engaged with a member here in an on line discussion that’s become somewhat heated, and you have a final argument that will definitely settle the issue, do this.

Write your complete final post in your notepad then copy and post only the first half of it. Leave it for an hour then edit it, adding the rest of your argument. The offender will get the first half in a notification email, and hurriedly decide to answer the first half. Then when he logs on he’ll see the rest of your post and this will throw him off kilter with his answer, making it no sense at all. You win!

I know I know you might feel sorry for him and decide to log on and tell him how you did it. No! No! don’t do that you might want to use this trick again.


David Barnett
February 9th, 2022, 07:42 AM
I realize I'm late on this & yeah, the way things are going towards social (although I've been on here, just didn't see this thread/post) but yeah Thanks Chris for the site & hard work and effort. It's been helpful. I found it more effective than Facebook groups. Anyway yeah I think I started around '08 which at the time felt late on this game, but 14 years later wow I feel I was early to the digital video transformation. I feel I kept up.

Allan Black
May 18th, 2022, 01:35 AM
O/T. Drink more tap water folks. At Macquarie hospital here in Sydney, more than 50% of male day admissions are dehydrated,
some worse than others.

On arrival they make everyone drink 2-4 glasses of tap water over an hour.


Boyd Ostroff
May 18th, 2022, 06:45 AM
"I drink a lot of water, you know. I'm what you might call a water man, Jack. That's what I am. And I can swear to you, my boy, swear to you, that there's nothing wrong with my bodily fluids. Not a thing, Jackie."

-Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake

Andrew Smith
May 18th, 2022, 06:52 AM
The enforced drinking of water also doubles as a prostate screening mechanism. :-D

(Enlarged prostates leave less room for the bladder to expand as it accumulates urine before feeling the need to be emptied.)

You're welcome.


Allan Black
May 19th, 2022, 03:39 PM
The docs. at Macquarie hospital take it very seriously guys.


Boyd Ostroff
May 20th, 2022, 06:05 AM
You posted something completely random and off-topic in an unrelated thread on a digital video forum so naturally people are not going to take it seriously. The first thing that came to mind was General Jack T. Ripper from "Dr. Strangelove" and at least that is related to film/video.

"God willing, we will prevail in peace and freedom from fear and in true health through the purity and essence of our natural fluids."

(FWIW, I've always drank lots of water ever since I was a small child - I really am a "water man" - so I don't need any reminders to stay hydrated.)

Allan Black
May 20th, 2022, 07:08 PM
Sorry Boyd, the way the concern with the serious % of de-hydrated people and their subsequent health problems was explained to me by the doctors in this area, I thought it was well worth going O/T here, for the many other valuable visitors to the forum, who maybe don’t drink enough tap water.

Some could well be in the de-hydrated % of people without realising it, and they could maybe develop health problems and stop visiting here. If I thought it was going to cause any trouble, I wouldn’t have posted anything. Sorry.


Boyd Ostroff
May 21st, 2022, 05:46 AM
I'm sure you meant well, I just don't think it should have been posted in this thread about the DVinfo 20th anniversary. It would be more appropriate to start a new thread in one of these forums, and creating a new thread with an appropriate title would probably draw more attention to it.

Andrew Smith
May 21st, 2022, 08:16 AM
Forgive him, for he must have been dehydrated when he made the post. :-P
