View Full Version : HDR-PJ650 Everything DARK, broken?

Darryn Carroll
September 26th, 2022, 07:37 AM
Hey all, have HDR-PJ650 for years with no issues, suddenly all clips (and screen) is SUPER dark. I assume its broken and not worth repairs, but wanted to ask others in case I may be missing something. I have tried:
Auto and manual, no difference.
Reset to factory defaults, no difference.
Compared all settings to my other (working) PJ650, all the same.
Tried Scene selections, no difference.
Tried low light settings, on and off, no difference.

Andrew Smith
September 26th, 2022, 10:28 PM
Are you able to try connecting the output to another screen, just in case it's the screen or viewfinder on the camera itself?
