View Full Version : How do you choose between 16:9 and 1.85:1?

Ryan Elder
March 8th, 2023, 07:20 PM
I am wanting to shoot a project, which I will send into film festivals, but I am not sure which one of those aspect ratios to choose since they are both so close. Does one have any pros or cons over the other for example?

Thank you very much for any input on this. I really appreciate it!

Christopher Young
March 8th, 2023, 07:39 PM
If you are looking to theatrical release for cinema then I would lean towards 1.85:1 at 24p as that has been a traditional release format. 16:9 has never been a "film" standard aspect ratio. Though these days I think for film festivals it matters little. Electronic projection isn't as constrained as mechanical cinema projectors were, which were set up with their gates for specific film aspect ratios and frame rates.

Chris Young

Ryan Elder
March 8th, 2023, 07:42 PM
Oh thank you for the input. I was told before that I can have it in 16:9 as long as I put it in a 1.85:1 container, so both options are available therefore, if that's true? But if that's true, not sure which one to pick therefore.

Christopher Young
March 9th, 2023, 07:32 PM
Well, I guess if 16:9 is acceptable in a 1.85:1 container they are, I would suggest, saying that they prefer 1.85:1. I think I'd just go 1.85:1 in that case.

Chris Young

Paul R Johnson
March 11th, 2023, 04:19 PM
Why not ask the festival, which format they prefer and shoot whatever they suggest is 'best'? I bet they just say either is fine, and shoot whatever is most appropriate for the product.

Brian Drysdale
March 12th, 2023, 04:55 AM
To be honest, I don't think film festivals care if the film is 16:9 or 1.85:1, they're more interested in the content of your film (the story and acting) and if their audiences will be attracted to watch the film. Good marketing material is also important.

I've seen films projected in both aspect ratios in festivals.