View Full Version : XL H1 transfer to film?

Don Argott
December 24th, 2005, 12:46 PM
I am about to start shooting a multi-camera documentary feature and the distributor really wants it to originate on HD. I have been through the process of going back to film with my last feature but that was shot on the DVX100. I have been reading alot about this Canon HD camera but I'm a little gun shy about diving in. Can someone weigh in on the pro/cons of shooting with the Sony HVR Z1U vs. the Canon XL H1? Do you stay away from all the 24F with the Canon (I know you definatley would not use the Sony Cinema mode), knowing you'll be going back to film or use it?
Also, it doesen't seem that the Canon HD has a companion deck yet? Is that true, if so, when will one be available? Also, is the Canon HD camera supported by FCP HD?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Shannon Rawls
December 24th, 2005, 02:59 PM
For a documentary.
I would shoot with the Sony question!
It's just more portable then the XL-H1
