View Full Version : Portable Light for jungle use

Allan Michaud
December 31st, 2002, 12:32 AM
Hi all
I am currently in cambodia where equipment is scarce to say the least. I am in need of a light for general outdoor use (not studio), but most importantly I must be able to recharge batteries out in the forest, i currently use a solar pannel and a small car battery for the XL1. I have seen the Canon version and I can already charge those batteries but am concerend that they may not be much good. Also I need to look at softening the light too, can anyone recomend anything, size is also an issue so I don't want anything huge.
Probably a silly question but anyone know of any pro video shops in thailand? postage to here is a little painfull on the walet
allan michaud

Nathan Gifford
December 31st, 2002, 05:52 AM
As far batteries go, you might want to look at NiMH which will have a better power to weight ratio.

Are you looking to improvise something? Will it have to be camera mounted? What about weather resistance?

Allan Michaud
January 1st, 2003, 04:41 AM
Weather proofing would be handy but not vital, I do plan to use a light both on and off camera, when off camera it would generally need to be hand held rather than static. I don't expect to use it a great deal but it would be invaluble from time to time, the main concern would seem to be battery charging away from a mains supply. Cost is an issue too but I would be prepared to spend whatever is neccessary.

Rhett Allen
January 2nd, 2003, 11:15 AM
Here is a link to one that I have used and like quite well.

They have a rechargable ni-cad battery belt and even a cigarette lighter adapter. It puts out a very nice soft light and isn't very heavy at all. I have used it mounted on a PD-150 without problems and on a stand. I would recommend the stronger bulb, and order spares just in case. Not all that expensive either. I believe they have a quick charger too but I didn't order that one.
I am taking one to the Peruvian jungle this year so I think it should work in your part of the world too.