View Full Version : Greenscreen example

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Robert Graf
January 13th, 2006, 03:32 PM
The key is clean overall. I did notice some green spill from motion blur around the hand and arm at frame 82 (about 2sec). I believe it is more of a limitation of the keyer, however. Combustion has a nice Color Supression operator that will help clean this type of artifact.

Dmitry Kichenko
January 13th, 2006, 04:04 PM
Robert - Bob just dropped a general Keylight keyer on the footage in Shake. It nicely shows how little tweaking can produce very impressive results. Isn't this what we have been waiting for all our lives, people? :)
But.. As the Shake's help file says:
"Keep in mind this image is going to be projected on a very large screen in front of millions of science fiction geeks who later take your film and advance frame-by-frame on their DVD player to reveal the multitude of errors. Perfectionism pays. You have been warned."

Here is some graphical representation of what HVX is capable of in terms of chroma and luma (converted from RGB to YUV):

As can be seen, the luma retains quite a bit of detail on the hair, which is very good and calls for luma keying things like hair. As to chroma, I'd just blur it slightly horizontally to get rid of the choppy edges.

Dmitry Kichenko
January 13th, 2006, 04:21 PM
<edit>Which I now see was already explained by Dmitry<edit>

I think my OSX fanboy skin in Windows has lead people into confusion, hah.

Bob Gundu
January 14th, 2006, 12:19 PM
Hey Bob - in fcp did you notice when you drop the filter on the clip the Canvas jumps back a frame ?

Really think dv matte is expecting interlaced and doesn't know what to do with P but it could well be the codec. Just my opinion, of course.

z matte did the same thing, threw it back a frame - but was way faster to key.

This was on the dl'd footage not the still.

Yeah I noticed the same thing. I think you may be on to something about it expecting interlaced footage.