View Full Version : Oscillating GG Movement

Kevin C. W. Wong
January 21st, 2006, 07:57 PM
Hey guys,

I am currently looking into a 35mm adaptor and I've been debating between a P+S Technik and a MOVIEtube. As both of these offer an upright image for the capturing camera, they seem to compare well against each other.

The only major different between the two that I can find (please excuse my ignorance if there are any other major ones) is that the P+S has an Oscillating ground glass whereas the MOVIEtube is completely optical and operates without movements or need of power.

Can anyone please shed some light onto the effect of an oscillating GG? (Since now cameras like the DVX/HVX200 have 24p 'motion' built in already, or that the 24p look is not difficult to emmulate in post...)

Thank you kindly!

Kevin C. W. Wong

R.P. Cuenco
January 21st, 2006, 08:11 PM
f*** the movietube.....j/k

on the P+S, the oscillating ground glass doesnt effect the 24p motion. rather, it hides the grain you would otherwise see on the ground glass. the movietube doesnt oscillate the ground glass, instead it uses ultrafine ground glass with supposedly no visible grain. look around the P+S forum for some more info about this.

Leo Mandy
January 21st, 2006, 08:26 PM

After looking at your movies, it does seem that you indeed use a 35mm adapter (DOF and vignetting is evident). I am guessing you are unhappy with your current setup? What are you using?

Kevin C. W. Wong
January 21st, 2006, 08:38 PM

Thanks for taking a look at my work. It is a great compliment for you to say that I already use a 35mm adaptor. I actually have never used one. I do however take great 'pains' in backing my camera up as far as possible(and sometimes shoot through mirrors) to get that shallow DOF. About the vignetting, that was done in post.

Do you use an adaptor? What is your opinion between the P+S and the others? (upright images only though...since my editors would literally skin me alive if I gave them something upside-down...of course if I were editing, I wouldn't mind.)

Thanks again!


Leo Mandy
January 21st, 2006, 08:43 PM
Some people have a hard time with the flip. Considering that in Vegas, FCP and Premiere, flipping is quite simple - I really don't know what the big deal is - but that is personal preference.
I have the Letus35A and think it is great and I have my own CD 35mm adapter. There is a flip version of the LETUS for double the price ($600.00) . The LEtus is the only one I know that flips at the moment but Wayne K. is working on one as well with the SG35 (spinning glass - he posts here regularly). The P+S and the MovieTube (which seems to be vapourware right now) are more expensive. I think 35mm adapters are something that you move through in time, like a steadicam. Get a less expensive one to start with and then move through the ranks as your appreciation and knowledge increases.

Kevin C. W. Wong
January 21st, 2006, 08:46 PM

Thanks for pointing that out. It clears things up a bit for me on that front. Given the first line of your previous post, is MOVIEtube something not worth looking into if compared to the P+S? :)

P+S to me seem a bit overpriced and a bit more limiting compared to the others. :) I wonder if they truly are better than the rest?


Kevin C. W. Wong
January 21st, 2006, 09:03 PM

Thanks for your insightful advice. I will definitely look into that end of things in more detail.

Take care,
