View Full Version : UFO Sightings

Bob Deming
January 8th, 2003, 10:11 AM
Re: X-Files Scary

Aug00 I saw my second UFO. The first one was not reported because I wasn't totally sure what I was seeing.

The second UFO was reported.

I never told to many about it really. My wife knew seconds after it happened. The next morning I got up and put it onto my grafics software. Two days later I filed a report.

That report was filed here:

Though my mother in law who has a very open mind didn't know about this report for two years. The woman is a genetic scientist and member of the NAS and AAS.

Telling people something they won't believe seems to me to ba a waste of time. But this website is more responsible than most on the internet.

I've seen some unusual things while flying at FL410 (41,000FT more or less). But the report I filed was much different. If you know for a fact that what you saw was not of this planet, it makes you think. I actually wanted to forget about it.

I watched (and recorded) the program "Taken" by Steve S. and what I saw two years ago was what everyone saw in the movie.

Sound crazy? Not to me. Not anymore. I know what I saw was real. After 25 years of sitting in a jet and seeing unusual things you get a little comfortable with it. I'm still not to settled with my UFO sighting.

I hope that the "non-believers" will someday open their minds to reality. There are too many documented UFOs.

In closing. I do agree with many individuals that are skeptical. But my disbelief is a little different. I don't believe some of the reports that have been made. But if you read my report at the very bottom it clearly states, "we found him to be quite credible".

What I saw that morning "took my breathe away".

Rob Lohman
January 8th, 2003, 05:02 PM
Fascinating post!

I can't say I'm a true believer because I haven't seen anything
like that (sometimes I wish I would). But I can't believe we would
be all alone in this huge "void" without anything else. So in that
way I am a believer.

I really liked the series Taken and can better get a felling now
of what you must have seen...

Too bad there aren't any pictures / video.


Dylan Couper
January 8th, 2003, 05:29 PM
I clicked on that link and got a picture of a rug?

James Watson
June 19th, 2007, 02:54 AM
I hope that the "non-believers" will someday open their minds to reality. There are too many documented UFOs.

I agree completely. After seeing videos on sites like,, and my favorite ufo sightings ( site & all the first hand accounts of sightings, it's irrational to openly ridicule and reject ufo sightings.

Mathieu Ghekiere
June 19th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Very interesting discussion we haven't had before on DVinfo.
I'm a huge fan of the x files, and definately very interested in ufo's.
I haven't seen one, so it's hard to say if I really believe in them or not.
I do think there is extraterrestrial life, chances are bigger that there is, then there isn't. That they can journey to this earth is another discussion, I think it's definately interesting to talk about and think about.

It's a pitty there are also so much false reports, which kind of give ufo sightings a bad name.
BTW, James, thanks for the links to those sites! Didn't know them!

ps: little surprise: I'm actually busy with writing a fan episode of the X Files, aliens involved, no budget. still in very early fase, but if there is news, this site will be the first to know.

Oren Arieli
June 19th, 2007, 02:04 PM
My only issue with an obviously intelligent race travelling hundreds (or thousands) of light years to get here is this:
1. Why wouldn't they make their presence BETTER known? Isn't that the point of coming here?
2. If they have the technology to come this far and didn't want to be observed, then how could they have been so careless to be caught on video/film/etc.?

I am actually a believer that we aren't alone in the universe...but have yet to see anything compelling and convincing that could be shown to a disbeliever and change their opinion.

I'm sure its different when we see things with our own eyes...but keep in mind that we are easily tricked (visually). Any magician will back me up on this.

Chris Hurd
June 19th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Very interesting discussion we haven't had before on DVinfo.Actually we have had it before, since the original post in this thread dates back to Jan. 2003. I won't dispute the sheer numbers of reports of flying objects that haven't been identified, nor will I dispute the likelihood of extraterrestrial life. I think the question is whether the two are related, and how anyone can know with absolute certainty that what any reporter sees is *for a fact* not of this planet. How can that be known as a fact?

Moving to Area 51.

Greg Boston
June 19th, 2007, 03:55 PM
...and how anyone can know with absolute certainty that what any reporter sees is *for a fact* not of this planet. How can that be known as a fact?

Moving to Area 51.

Well Chris, I know you apparently haven't seen me naked, until now. ;-)

This is how I really look when I'm surfing the forum late at night.


Jack Zhang
June 19th, 2007, 05:55 PM

I have a weirder theory to put out there...

What if fact is fiction and fiction is fact in different parts of the universe? (I'm actually serious about this one. Think hard...)

Tim OBrien
June 21st, 2007, 08:55 AM
Sounded more like clear-sky lightning or some other atmospheric discharge to me.

Not that unusual....

Frank Granovski
June 21st, 2007, 11:59 AM
This is nothing new. I listen to "Coast-to-Coast AM" to get the latest about what the aliens are up to.

Here is their website:

I wonder how Art Bell is doing....

Pete Costanzo
June 27th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Aliens - Intelligent Beings from other planets - very far away...
Aliens - Time travelers from the future, trying to fix the past, or the future is just very boring.
Aliens - Malevolent beings from another dimension.

Regardless of what/where they come from, we can all agree they're here to genetically modify the human race! :) Did you see the story of teh mensa 156 IQ. girl in the UK.. Incredible.

I believe there's something to UFOs/Aliens, but I'm not sure what. There's WAY too much evidence not to believe something is occurring beyond hysteria.

Marco Wagner
June 27th, 2007, 02:55 PM
While I don't believe that time travel is possible I can tell you after living in Arizona for 28 years, there is a lot of that sort of activity here and in northern Arizona. I also have personally seen UFOs, about 8 now. The first was when I was very young, a boy scout camping in northern AZ. What I saw was NO plane and HUGE. Since then I have seen several UFOs both alone and with 1000s of people. I was almost directly under the "Phoenix lights" 10 years ago, and I was a few miles away the second time when they came back. They were NOT flares as some suggest. Flares don't hover and flares don't maintain exact light every second, they flicker.

If our government were a little more liberal like other countries about this subject, we may have a lot more answers.

Pete Costanzo
June 27th, 2007, 10:03 PM
My post was part satire, but I do believe something is going on that is not man made. I knew those phoenix lights weren't flares, what garb.. How can people see this stuff first hand and not get concerned about it. I supposed you go about your life the next day, but seriously, that's got to freak a person out.

Frank Granovski
June 28th, 2007, 10:58 PM
For all your UFO news, go here:

It's good listening too if you've got nothing better to do. I kind of miss Art Bell, though.

Pete Costanzo
June 29th, 2007, 06:02 AM
I never really listened to him because he was on so late. However, I did just look him up on and his life over the last year was pretty bizarre... But from the story it mentioned that he was back broadcasting again.