View Full Version : Recording from stereo to computer?

Chris Simmons
January 17th, 2003, 05:19 PM
I want to record my audio cassettes to the computer; but it records very low. I am connecting them using the headphones jack on the radio to the mic jack on the computer sound card using a single cable.

When I listen to the radio using the headphone jack with regular headphones the sound is great. Also when I talk into the mic when it is connected to the computer the sound is great. I tried with the volume of the radio all the way up and on normal volume levels...but the result was still very low recordings. I have tried different radios and different computers but all with the same results.

Can someone please help me figure out what is wrong?

Brian M. Dickman
January 17th, 2003, 06:20 PM
Without going into too much detail about mic and line levels, what you need to do is have a radio or tape deck with line level outs (usually RCA connectors) and connect those to the line in port of your computer. If you only have a walkman for tapes, check your local goodwill, thrift store or garage sale for a full tape deck. It'll likely produce better sound than a portable, and will have the line out level you need.

Chris Simmons
January 17th, 2003, 07:07 PM
So use the RCA connectors on stereo and the mic line on sound card?

Mark Härtl
January 19th, 2003, 06:39 AM
Hi Chris,

on the back of your stereo there should be one or two connectors labelled line out, out, rec (out) or something like that (i don't know if they are always rca). the other side of the cable you have to plug into your sound card, the line-in jack (not mic). it is usually colored blue if your card is not too old. mic is purple.

Chris Simmons
January 29th, 2003, 04:09 AM
Thanks alot for the help!