View Full Version : Equipment needed for important Interview

John Toennies
May 2nd, 2006, 03:01 PM
I just bought an XL2 after using a GL1 for several years although I am honestly not much of a videographer. I am wanting to do an interview with my Mom as she approaches her 80th birthday as a keepsake for our family. I am not sure what lights and microphone to use to properly do this. This is obviously important to me so money (to a point) is not as important. Anyway, could I get some recommendations on equipment as well as any other pointers on camera settings etc to make this this come off without a hitch? Thanks,

DJ Kinney
May 2nd, 2006, 03:59 PM
This question is vast.

Before anyone approaches it, I'm glad I have the chance to say this from experience....

I have to say that thousands of dollars of equipment scattered around your living room with your poor old mother at the middle of a set of hot lamps is NOT the way to get candid, honest answers in a heartfelt interview.

Rent some good mics (others will advise), learn your XL2, set it up in some natural daylight with a reflector or two and you'll be golden. It doesn't take a Hollywood army to do a good interview.


Patrick King
May 2nd, 2006, 06:08 PM

I have an AudioTechnica AT-899 lav ( that I think does a good job during sit-down interviews.

It comes with enough gadgets that I've been able to avoid clothing rustle and since its an Omni lav, the speaker's voice doesn't fall off completely if they turn their head while speaking (you don't know how much people do that as a mannerism until you wire someone with a directional lav).

I would recommend you get a 15' XLR-XLR cable as an extension between where your talent will be seated and where your cam is mounted (you do want to work the cam several feet back unless you've got 3x lens).

I'm not a light literate guy, but I've found that with just reasonable interior lighting adjusted appropriately you can get really good footage with an XL2. I suppose the argument is though that with just a little of the correct lighting technique you can push that from 'really good' to 'breath-taking', or 'stunning'.